12 Methods to Enhance Memorization Speed and Ease

Do you know that you can learn the things you need to learn faster thanks to memorization techniques? Especially during the exam period, what we need most is to save time by fast memorization. “What should we do to memorize something?”, “How to memorize easily?”, “How to memorize best”, “How to memorize quickly?” If you are looking for answers to such questions, let's look at the answers together:

Why Do We Forget?

Forgetting can actually be considered a defense mechanism. In fact, your brain is trying to protect you from overloading yourself with unnecessary information by forgetting. Imagine remembering everything… What an unbearable life it would be.

In other words, your brain puts everything you have learned into short-term memory as a defense mechanism and prevents you from transferring this information to long-term memory unless you do it again, allowing you to forget it. Even if you have memorized something with perfect memorization techniques, it is forgotten over time.

There is a universal formula developed by Hermann Ebbinghaus to easily remember what you have learned:

The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve shows that just an hour after learning, we forget more than half of the information we acquired, and a week later we remember only 20%. According to Ebbinghaus, trying to memorize by force is not effective. Because your brain cannot quickly grasp the things you are trying to memorize and cannot establish strong associations between them. For things you want to commit to long-term memory, you need to repeat them for a certain period of time.

To be more specific, for an exam that requires memorization, it would be better if we started studying a few days in advance rather than the day before. There are many methods we can try to work more efficiently. We call these memorization techniques or memorization methods. We have prepared a list of easy memorization methods that you can use during exam time.

Fast Memorization Techniques

“What are easy memorization techniques?”, “How to memorize in 1 day?”, “What should we do to memorize something?” If you are looking for answers to questions like this, you are in the right place. We cannot make a bold statement that the easiest memorization method is this. But “How to memorize easily?” We can list for you the techniques you need to apply in response to the question. No matter what, there's one thing you should remember. Memorization techniques work, but they require effort and study.

1) Try to understand what you have learned.

The best way to memorize is to try to understand what you are learning. Memorizing things you understand makes it easier for your brain to find associations. Thus, this information can be transferred to long-term memory nine times faster.

2) Find out the optimal study time for you.

Another thing you should pay attention to among memorization techniques is to determine the time that suits you. The best time to learn is when you are undivided and energetic. Some people find it more productive to study early in the morning and some late at night. Find the most productive time for you and work at those times.

3) Learn the most necessary information.

“How to memorize?” One of the answers to the question will be to take care to learn the most necessary information. You should establish your priorities correctly and work accordingly. Remember, information learned at the beginning and at the end is remembered more.

4) Choose only the best materials.

Do not use outdated books and old learning techniques. We are in a constantly changing and developing world, and many things may have changed since the publication of old books. Don't waste your time on something that might be wrong right now.

5) Tell someone what you need to learn.

An easy way to memorize is to use other people. Working together isn't ideal for everyone. If you are one of those who like to study alone, you can make it more memorable by reading what you need to learn out loud and explaining it to yourself in the mirror. If you have no problem working with others, you can gain mutual benefit by telling the other person.

6) Associate what you have learned with specific places.

Among the memorization techniques, the most easily applied technique may be associating it with the place. In other words, create your own mind palace. For example, if you are working in your room, associate something you have learned with an object in your room and repeat it several times. Afterwards, recall how the room looks in your memory.

7) Learn opposites.

Among the memorization techniques, other techniques that will make your job easier are using contrasts. You can strengthen your memory by learning something together with its opposite. For example, when learning a foreign language, try to learn binary terms such as coming/going, night/day.

8) Use connecting words.

Using connected words can be shown as the fastest memorization method. The main point of this technique, called “Nail Words”, is to work by making connections between different things. So when you remember one, you will be able to remember all the other information you linked.

9) Make connections between what you just learned and what you already know.

Another item on our list of memorization tricks is the connection between old and new. It makes it easier for you to understand what you just learned. Thus, the memorability of information increases.

10) Make up stories.

If you need to learn a lot of things in a specific order, create a story and sprinkle the things you need to learn in the correct order throughout the story. The point you need to pay attention to is to ensure that the information you sprinkle is connected to each other in the flow of the story. This is best known as the memorization tactic.

11) Use a recorder.

Especially if you are someone who learns by hearing, this technique is an easy way for you to memorize. Record the information you are learning with a voice recorder. Then listen a few more times.

12) Visualize.

“How to improve memorization?” If you are asking, visualization may be the answer for you. Use your body language when learning something so you can activate your muscle memory.

How many times does it take to read something to memorize it?

Of course, there is no clear answer to this question. Because this depends on the length and difficulty of the thing to be memorized, the person's age, memory power and many other things. However, experts emphasize that repetition is important in memorization. At this point, there is a method called mega drilling. According to this technique, you have to remember what you want to memorize 30 times. So, for example, if you just met someone, you can repeat their name 30 times to memorize it.

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