16 Reasons Why You Should Use Bicycles Every Day

To ride a bikeExercise is an activity that benefits you in many different areas, not just for sports purposes, as most people think. You may be riding in nature or wandering the city streets on a bicycle.

Spending time on the bike; It can give you a fitter body, increase your body resistance, help you lose weight and even make you feel happier.

We witnessed explosions in bicycle sales during the world's fight against the pandemic. Although it is reflected in an increase in sales in our country, unfortunately it is still not as widespread as it is abroad. We have prepared reasons for you to take your bike out of your dusty pantry or want to buy a new bike.

1) Cycling is good for the heart

Aerobic Exercising is good for your heart health. Cycling is also one of the aerobic exercises. Oxygen depletion in the muscles forces your heart to pump more oxygenated blood, making your heart work faster. In addition, this activity, which actively works your blood vessels and lungs, also indirectly benefits your heart health.

2) Let bicycles appear, depression and anxiety disappear

to ride a bike

Cycling is one of the moderate intensity exercises. It has been observed that at this level it reduces the level of stress in the body and symptoms of depression and anxiety. This situation occurs as a result of the decrease in stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol levels in the body. In addition, the fact that cycling increases socialization and that it is a sport with developed group and club awareness is also observed as increasing its positive effects on people in terms of mental health.

3) Let's save the world together

Did you know that 20 bicycles can fit into the space occupied by a single car? However, the materials and energy used to produce a bicycle are 5% of the materials and energy used in a car. As you can imagine, waste production is zero in bicycles. With all this, regular bicycle users are also environmentalists who fight against air pollution.

4) Although not immortality, the secrets to living longer may be hidden in your bike


Research shows that cycling can literally add years to your life. When comparing cyclists and non-cyclists, people who cycle at moderate intensity for up to 60 minutes a day; It shows a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death from all causes.

5) Do you want to lose weight? Cycling is just for you

You may want to lose weight. Then ride your bike. To ride a bike; While it allows you to burn approximately 300 calories in an hour, driving faster also increases our calorie consumption. For example, a 68-year-old individual; If its speed is around 20-22 km per hour, it can burn almost 300 calories even in a 30-minute ride.

6) Answer cancer, the plague of the age, with the solution of the ages: cycling

According to research, it has been predicted that regular cycling can reduce the risk of cancer in general. Research conducted on adult men; It was revealed that cycling 60 minutes a week reduced the risk of cancer by 20 percent. In the same research, it was observed that cycling 90 to 100 minutes a week led to a 40% to 45% reduction in cancer risk.

7) Your time is valuable, don't waste it in traffic

bicycle in traffic

Cycling is always faster than cars, trams, buses and all similar vehicles in urban transportation, especially at distances of 3 to 4 km. You can best notice this even if you are in your car, stuck in traffic. You can buy a bike before you come to this realization.

8) Nature is waiting for you, don't keep me waiting too long

Leaving nature walks aside, you cannot travel with any vehicle other than a bicycle without causing any damage to nature and without noise. When you travel and camp by bicycle, you will leave no trace other than your tire tracks. Try exploring nature by bike.

9) Cycling also supports your wallet

Riding a bike is a much more cost-saving tool than you might imagine. You do not need to use gasoline to ride your bike or pay parking fees. You choose to sell your car and buy a bike, and you will have a large amount of money left over.

10) Experience both sports and entertainment together

cycling sports

A person who chooses to use a bicycle even as a means of transportation also gets daily exercise. Beyond that, when he works with an exercise program, he does one of the most effective cardio exercises by cycling. Thus, in addition to doing sports, you can also add a fun sports culture to your life.

11) You don't just need live friends to socialize, you have a bike

Thanks to bicycle tours, you are not stuck with your own environment. This way, you can meet many different people and establish new bonds, starting from your common tastes. You can meet brand new people in your country or in different parts of the world.

12) Let cycling improve your posture

Staying balanced is among the fundamentals of cycling. This balancing act improves your body posture and overall coordination, and your upper body muscles become stronger. 30 minutes of cycling every day; muscle strength, condition, weight, etc. helps you overcome problems.

13) Your joint pain is waiting for you to ride a bike


We know the question in your mind. “How can cycling reduce your joint pain when it is such a tiring activity?” The miracle of cycling reduces joint pain, especially knee pain. Regular cycling helps improve your joint movements.

14) Why bother trying to get a driver's license?

Considering the endless ordeal of driving license courses and the scariness of the exams, you may be one of those who do not want to get into these jobs at all. Here is the bike for you. No one asks you for a driver's license or any document to ride a bicycle. You can drive as you wish, carefully and with your equipment.

15) One of the most nourishing sports activities for your creativity; to ride a bike

The neurons activated as a result of the increase in the amount of oxygen flowing to your brain while cycling positively affects your creativity. In this way, you can gain different perspectives. Regular exercise helps artists nurture their creative perspectives.

16) Cycling to relieve fatigue? Yes!

Another reason that may sound ridiculous to you. But it's true. According to scientific research, it has been shown that engaging in physical activities, even for short periods of time, has a stimulating effect on the body, and exercising during times of fatigue benefits the feeling of fatigue.

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