25 Questions to Assess Your Potential as an Entrepreneur

Imagine sailing into a sea full of storms with a boat equal to your capital. Imagine your boat growing and developing as your entrepreneurial idea gets stronger. How far you go is under the control of your knowledge. Which storms you dive into, or how you survive a storm that finds you, depends on your skills. Knowledge and skills are the two most important elements that nourish an entrepreneur’s idea.

Also, imagine that you have a boat, that is, your savings, that is too small to be challenged by storms. How far can you go?

As I said at the beginning; You are in a sea full of storms. If you see entrepreneurship as a trend and throw yourself into it out of excitement, there is a high probability that you will be wrong about your idea or yourself. Entrepreneurship requires too much attention and knowledge to be a plan B; Being an entrepreneur is not as easy as having an idea.

In light of all this, if we are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, we should know ourselves before our idea and make sure whether we are ready for a stormy life. The best way to get to know ourselves is to ask ourselves questions and answer these questions honestly.

1) Can you deal with disappointment and get back to work in a positive mood?

2) Would you be happy to be the center of attention?

3) Is it easy for you to get organized?

4) Do you think you can control your life within a discipline?

5) Are you ready to take acceptable levels of risks?

6) Do you know how to show your creative side?

7) Do you trust your imagination?

8) Do you have the ability to take seemingly negative conditions and turn them into opportunities?

9) Are you brave?

10) Are you patient?

11) Will you and your family be able to face the freedom restrictions you will face when you start your own business?

12) Do you hate mediocrity?

13) Are you trustworthy? Do you trust yourself?

14) When you truly believe in someone or something, can you ignore the destructive judgments of people around you?

15) Can you filter constructive judgments and evaluate them to solve problems?

16) Do people describe you as enthusiastic and full of life?

17) Do you like the idea of ​​working alone most of your time?

18) Do you like going on the phones and talking to strangers?

19) Can you manage to wake up early in the morning in a positive mood for a goal?

20) Do you have the ability to influence people?

21) Is your financial situation consistent?

22) Do you get bored easily?

23) Can you fight for what you believe in?

24) Can you easily control your anger in your relationships?

25) Are you able to laugh at yourself?

Of course, there is no one among us who can answer “yes” to all 25 questions. This is already a near impossible situation. But after answering all 25 questions, one way or another, we should be able to see how correct or how ready we are for the entrepreneurial adventure.

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