4 Reasons Why Starting Entrepreneurship at a Young Age Leads to Greater Success

If you've thought about starting your own business, you're definitely not alone. From the tech world's next “iPhone” to a business plan for faster food order delivery, the opportunities are endless.

What sets successful entrepreneurs apart from others is, as you can imagine, their action – the challenges they face to bring their ideas to life. An idea, even a perfect one, has no value unless it is put into practice.

“For me, ideas have no value unless they are put into practice. Ideas are only worth the multiplier. The application is worth millions.” —Steve Jobs

So when is the best time to start your own business? After years of company experience? After you start your family? Frankly, there is no golden rule about when you should embark on such a path. But starting your own business early in your life can have many advantages.

Here are 4 reasons why you should consider starting your own business at an early age:

1) Fail Early, Fail A Lot, Fail Early

This quote is often used in inspirational speeches. You've heard over and over again that in order to succeed, you must first fail. As with every inspirational speech, this one should be approached with skepticism. Of course, it is possible to fail many times to achieve great gains, but it is also necessary to learn to fail the right way.

Ray Dalio, the world's largest hedge fund manager, says that failures occur as a result of certain repeated behaviors, so failures can be overcome by identifying and solving them. It is also important to remember that after your first big failure, the next one will be easier.

2) Lose When You Don't Have Much to Lose

Everyone has much less responsibilities during their teenage years. You don't have a new family, you don't pay a loan, or if you're lucky, you still benefit from your family's health insurance.

Starting a new business will put you at many risks. Apart from your money and funding sources, you will also be dedicating 110% of your time. It goes without saying that there's a big difference between spending a year sharing a room with your partner and a year when you have to take care of your family.

3) Long Term Assets

If done right, the business you build can be the best long-term asset you'll ever have. A few key years spent in your youth can be key to creating passive income sources that will impact the rest of your life.

To be honest, you may not be able to get very far in life with a salary that you can get by exchanging your time for money. Although it may be challenging, it will definitely be worth it if you own long-term assets. However, you need to start as early as possible.

4) Experience the Real World

Starting your business will definitely give you real world experience. You won't have a teacher or manager telling you what to do. You need to stand out with your own ideas, marketing plans, and funding targets. This means that if you make a mistake there is no one to cover it up for you. However, the lessons you will learn from them are priceless and you can only learn them through experience.

It's never too late to start a business. However, your teenage years may be the best time for this. As an old Chinese proverb says: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

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