4 Tips for Creating an Impressive LinkedIn Profile and Accessing a Complimentary Career Guide

One of the things you should pay attention to, especially if you are aiming to make a career in international companies, is that your LinkedIn profile is accessible and impressive. Employers and companies have gradually started to shift their job postings to this platform and identify candidates through this site. In addition, independent human resources specialists who specialize in a particular sector, called Head Hunter, frequently scan through profiles and list candidates suitable for the positions they hold and contact them. So how do you make your LinkedIn profile more impressive?

1) Pay attention to LinkedIn's guidance.

When you arrive at your profile page, LinkedIn will show you step-by-step instructions and warnings which fields you need to fill in. Follow these steps and increase your profile fill rate. In addition to the training you have received and your work or internship experiences, do not forget to add your volunteering experiences and exam successes, if any.

2) Support your profile visually.

Your photo on your profile must be absolutely professional. You don't have to be as serious as with your passport photo or passport photo; However, eliminate photos where half of your face is dark and not visible, and your full-length photos. Do you have a job that relies on visuals? Apart from the profile photo, you can also add a cover photo if you wish. However, you must make sure that this does not go beyond professional lines.

3) Use the summary section to describe yourself, your career goals and achievements.

This is your space. It's like you went to a job interview and the interviewer asked you, “Can you tell us a little about yourself?” Think of it as if you asked and answer this question in this area. One of the first things that will attract the attention of a person browsing your profile is this part where you describe yourself. What is the part of your job you enjoy most? What are your long-term goals? In what areas are you keen to improve yourself? When you answer these questions, you will be an eye-catching and convincing candidate for employers. Congratulations! You passed the pre-selection.

4) If you are aiming for an international career, be sure to use your LinkedIn profile in English.

Let's say you changed the LinkedIn platform to English in the language settings for visual familiarity, but what about the content of your profile? If you are aiming for an international career and want to work in one of the emerging sectors or global companies with the development of technology, you must know English and be able to use it effectively. When you create your profile content in English, you show that you can use the Professional English terms of your sector correctly and that your English is at a level to work in a global company.

If you aim to make a career in international companies; Kaplan International's e-book, which is a guide prepared specifically for you. By clicking here You can download it.

You can check out additional advice here on how to create a strong LinkedIn profile and learn about other topics below:

► Insight into trending new global industries: Fintech, Greentech and more

► How can learning English abroad contribute to your career?

► How to create a strong LinkedIn profile?

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► 8 interview questions you need to know how to answer

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