7 Golden Ways to Go Abroad According to Your Purpose

We are sure that every young person has searched for ways to go abroad to improve their language, see other countries, get to know new cultures, visit museums, or even take photographs, and most of the time they may be stuck. Well, how are we going to go abroad? 7 simple ways to go abroad that are fun and active:

1) Let Me Read and Travel

If you are an undergraduate, master’s or doctoral student and want to continue in the academic field, Erasmus may be an excellent choice for you. While you see the education system of a completely different country, you also have the opportunity to meet people from a completely different culture. In addition, you can take the courses you took at your own university in another language and continue your studies, and you also have the chance to travel all over Europe by finding cheap tickets!
What is needed for this? : Good English and a good average because in this process, you first need to pass an 80-question English exam for Erasmus, and then you need to remember that you will study in a foreign language in a completely different country.

2) Let me travel a lot and even by train

If you say that a lot of water has passed since my education life, you are looking at a train ticket. This train ticket, which is valid in 30 European countries, is also known among the public as Interrail. You can plan your trip from 15 to 30 days and visit as many countries as you want. It is not necessary to travel by train, but it is more affordable and more authentic. You can stay in hostels, parks and couches in the countries you visit because this is your European plan. Here it is on all European train tracks!
What is needed for this? : You can buy your Interrail ticket 3 months or 1 day before your journey starts. All you need is a backpack and courage.

3) Let Me Travel Impacting the World

If you constantly ask yourself what will happen to this world and want to make an impact on the world, you can try to participate in a social responsibility project that includes global goals. You do not need to worry about accommodation in social responsibility projects that last between 6-8 weeks. During or after the project, you can visit the country you visit with your project friends from completely different cultures or with local AIESECers of the country you visit and have an unforgettable experience. If you think Europe and America are not enough for you, there are 128 different countries in front of you. In these countries, you can not only affect people, but also the environment, peace and even the economy, because believe me, the world will become better with our help. Don’t stop, explore the world and people!
What is needed for this? : You must have a minimum level of English to explain yourself and be between the ages of 18-30 and aiesec.org.trJust registering at is the first step you will take to make the world a completely different place.

4) Let me travel by working and earning money

If you are at university and don’t have money to travel, and you want to work and improve your English, Work and Travel programs are perfect for you. After working for 3 months and saving money, you are free to travel for 1 month. An experience awaits you where you can get to know American culture closely and taste the American dream we see in the movies. You can spend a summer working as a waiter, lifeguard, or hotel attendant. Years later, when I look back, I left to live in America for 3 months!
What is needed for this? : You must be an undergraduate student and have a minimum GPA of 2.00. The last step to step into the American dream is to have an Indermediate level of English.

5) Let me travel around babysitting

If you have chosen a country in your mind but do not want to pay for accommodation, you can stay in any country you want by volunteering in return for food and accommodation. So, I can hear you asking, “What will you do?” You can work in the garden, take care of the children of the house, or stay in a hostel and handle the general chores of the hostel. Outside of your weekly working hours, you can travel around your city or even the country with peace of mind and spend your food and accommodation money on parties!
What is needed for this? : There are many sites on the internet for this. After you become a free member, when you want to apply for volunteer jobs, you have to pay a fee of $20 to the sites, and then all you have to do is communicate with people.

6) Let’s Travel Around the Island

If you’re a university graduate, it’s time to explore Australia. For 1 year, you can work in cafes, hotels, photography areas, wineries and more. You can work with an employer for a maximum of 6 months, after which you have to find another job. This is all well and good, but unfortunately the annual quota for this Work and Holiday program is 100 people. You need to be quick and prepare your suitcase now!
What is needed for this? It is enough to be between 18-30 years old, graduate from associate, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree programs or be a student in these programs, get a minimum of 4.5 from the IELTS exam and show a certain amount of AU$ in your bank account.

7) Let me travel with my profession

If you think that you have studied so much and will go abroad with your own profession, you can look at internship opportunities abroad. You can work in various startups or corporate companies for 3 months to 1 year, not as an intern making photocopies and bringing tea, but as a manager. Work experience abroad both broadens your horizons and fills out your CV. It’s your turn to pack your profession and ideas into your backpack and go abroad!
What is needed for this? : It is enough for you to have the minimum Upper Indermadiate level of English, prepare a nice CV for yourself and take a look at the AIESEC website, then come the interviews.

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