An Evolutionary Leap in Fingerprint Technology

Days pass and the revolution in technology progresses exponentially. Our lives are getting a little easier thanks to increasing technology solutions

Recently, technology-oriented research on criminal tests used in identification has begun to bear fruit. The latest example of this is the Fingerpint Molecular Identification (FMID) system developed by ArroGen company. Based on the submicron scale particles in the fingerprint, this system can determine the gender of the person, whether he or she uses drugs or cigarettes, and whether he or she has fired a firearm. More importantly, thanks to this test, it is possible to obtain this information even from fingerprints that are more than 1 year old.

This technology performs these operations using ArroGen surface-engineered silica-based SupraNano FMID particles in conjunction with state-of-the-art mass spectrometry technology.

This technology, which indisputably contributes to investigators in eliminating potential suspects in the judicial process and identifying the perpetrator of a crime, and increases efficiency, also saves time and money.

This system can also determine the molecular profile of an individual in as little as 48 hours.

In these processes, appropriate sets of special metabolites and biomarkers are designed that allow specific identification of individuals. For more information about this technology, you can access FMID references and an explanatory pdf file here.

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