Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Overview and Evolution

The last three decades have seen more technological advancements than ever before, and as a result, businesses; They have taken their activities and their customers and interactions with them to a much more advanced level than in the past.

Marketing and advertising before the 1990s; It used to be done through print, audio and visual media such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television, but now more and more people have turned to computers and even mobile platforms as a source of information.

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Origins of Digital Marketing

Although digital marketing has taken shape over the last three decades, according to, its origins date back to the 1980s, when computers became more advanced thanks to increased memory capacities, allowing companies to store more customer information and use it for marketing purposes.

Although the Internet was quite simple in the early 1990s for users who could only read information and add nothing, it paved the way for new marketing technology after 1994, with the use of email playing a key role in the first online marketing campaigns.

New technologies and software such as Adobe Illustrator, Quicktime and Photoshop, which affect what can be achieved in the design phase of campaigns, have managed to bring campaigns together with more people with internet access, laying the foundation for the 21st century Digital Marketing Big-Bang.

In addition to the founding of Google in 1998, social networking sites such as Blogger and later MySpace and Facebook; It has paved the way for new universal communication channels and methods for people and businesses. Afterwards, companies began to look for new ways to market their products and services using these new channels.

Mobile advertising, introduced in 2000, was an important step away from traditional marketing.

In the early 2000s, Google expanded and improved its search engine and introduced marketing tools such as AdWords and AdSense. It has developed the ability to analyze the content of internet users' queries to channel ads according to users' desires.

“Cookies” It initially enabled analyzing the habits of internet users, but has become a useful tool for marketers to collect user data.

So instead of opening the newspaper or picking up a flyer from the mailbox; Marketing is now done through websites, online ads, social media sites, interactive videos, mobile platform campaigns and some other promotional channels that did not exist 30 years ago.

Some of the most trusted and well-known brands, like Coca Cola, have adapted old-world campaigns to keep up with the new digital world. Popular “share a coke” campaign, launched in 2015 coke emoji It was relaunched using and became known on smartphones and social networks.

As well as the usual television commercials there were flash mobs and people could upload photos to the Coca Cola website as well as coke emojis; the best photos were displayed on Coca Cola's digital billboards.

In summary, thanks to digital marketing methods, the language of marketing has now moved much further than the old methods and still continues to develop.

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