Digital Trends That Will Gain Popularity in the Future

Digital transformation increases competitiveness by reducing costs and accelerating business processes. It enables to bring together the desired goals by using technology well in line with customer experience, business management, marketing, well-trained staff and the right strategic goals.

1)Location Marketing (Geofencing)

It means using GPS and RFID (radio frequency identification) to identify a designated geographical boundary. Marketers can choose any geographical area and communicate with their users in that area the way they want with the help of mobile devices.

2) Shopping from Search Engine

65% of consumers in Turkey start a shopping trip by searching on search engines. This is an important statistic that shows the importance of advertising activities on search engines.

3)Influencer Marketing

It is a marketing strategy in which the awareness of a brand or product is increased by word of mouth over the internet. In other words, it is the promotion of your brand by people who have become phenomena on social media.

4)Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is the general name of technological devices that we can wear. It is the product that transfers information from smart sensors to your smartphone by connecting to it wirelessly or via Bluetooth.
5)Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual reality image, hologram, sound, location, etc. It is the creation of sensory elements as an imitation of the real world. In this way, it provides an artificial reality by isolating the user from the physical world. Augmented reality is the result of the interaction of created sensory elements with the physical world by enriching them in real time.

6)Need for Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Ensuring that people or organizations appear at the top of search engines is about making themselves easily and accurately found.

7)Advanced Chatbots

You can see chatbot as the first form or first steps of artificial intelligence. Chatbot is an algorithm-based software with which you can get some personal work done, chat and talk for entertainment purposes. Chatbot issue attracts the attention of technology companies and Apple (Appstore, Siri), Facebook (Messenger platform), Microsoft (Tay) and Google Home Voice Assistant are in our lives with new updates every day to make a difference.


International brands base their marketing strategies on customers, not products. Because people want to receive personalized messages. Sales rates increase with personalized messages, special deals and sending the product to the appropriate person at the appropriate time. Slogans such as “for you”, “special for you”, “who understands you” have been increasing recently. Digital marketing, which provides unlimited opportunities with personal approaches, can establish closer relationships with your customers and increase recycling rates.

9)Coin, Micropayments and Blockchain

Blockchain is the ability to secure interpersonal communication with digital signatures quickly, without intermediaries, and to ensure the transparency of this transaction.

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