Discovering Youth through Erasmus+ – Hoxnian

When I completed my undergraduate education 2 years ago, I had a double degree, certificates, and a small amount of language, but there was an emptiness inside me that could not be filled and despair about the future, like most young people…

It seemed like yesterday that I entered university. 4 years passed so quickly. I studied in a small city. Those who study in big cities do not know what it means to study in a small city. Limitation of opportunities is a separate issue. First of all, you find yourself in deer conversations that seem very sweet at first. Who was in love with whom? Which teacher was teaching the course? Which cafe had the more colorful atmosphere? For girls, this is the case: Which clothes and shoes did you buy? I got my hair done here, the style continues. As you get caught up in midterms, finals and all these, you lose track of time and find yourself wondering when this school is over.

He graduates, gets busy with work, and wonders “who am I?” What are my talents and skills? You start your business life without even being able to answer these questions. Then all these deer conversations continue in a slightly changed form with different people and life goes by. Some people don't complain about these… Believe me. On the contrary, investigating other people's lives and engaging in idle conversation are among their interests. However, these conversations begin to disturb people who want to live their lives more fully and live at a higher level of consciousness by nourishing themselves from knowledge and differences. He goes to school or work, he may have friends with whom he has fun, but something is missing among them. Neither money, lover nor other things can fill this. He just wishes for that day to come when he will be happy or to run away. The gap gets bigger… Do you know what will fill that gap? Traveling and exploring… The best thing that helps people become the highest version of themselves and push the limits is traveling and exploring.
That's why I am one of those who advocate that the trip should be made at the earliest age possible, not when you retire. I think this is one of the most beautiful blessings given to us, knowing ourselves and our dreams.

While saying all this, you will say, “With what money will I travel?” Believe me, if you intend to achieve something, do your research and pursue opportunities, it is possible to travel and receive education for free. Erasmus+ projects provide this opportunity best. Thanks to Erasmus+ projects, you can study at home or abroad for short or long periods, and live and work in any country in Europe for 2-11 months without paying any fee.
The best opportunity offered by short-term projects is that you will share the same environment with people from 4, 5 or 6 countries for days and gain unique information and experiences about each country…
The new cultures you will meet and the hundreds of people you will meet all over Europe will improve your network and open doors in many countries…
With the memories and knowledge gained, you will be cleared of all your prejudices, you will realize that many problems in the world are not between people but between governments, and you will say hello to a new world.
You will be surprised by discussing global issues in a civilized way and create a common language with them. Music, dances, new tastes and all the information you learn on site will enable you to get to know them and yourself, and will lead to the emergence of talents that may be hidden within you. Long story short, you will learn to be a questioning and versatile person, you will look at the world with completely different eyes…
Don't hesitate and join these Erasmus+ opportunities. Travel, discover, learn and add meaning to your life. Learn about project applications, motivation letter writing and all other conditions. Move on. Believe me, it's worth it…

Ana Sayfa

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