Everything About Summer Vegetables and Their Benefits

The secret of a healthy body is, of course, hidden in our nutrition. Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. It is important to eat vegetables on time. It is best for your health to consume winter vegetables in winter and summer vegetables in summer. We have compiled for you the summer vegetables that must have a place on our table with their various colors and flavors and their benefits. Bon appetit to all of you.

Summer Vegetables

1) Black-eyed peas

Black-eyed peas, the first product on our summer vegetables list, are a food frequently consumed, especially in the Aegean cuisine. In addition to its taste, the multitude of recipes and its ease, its benefits are the main factors why you should consume black-eyed peas. Thanks to the high amount of fiber it contains, it will be good for your intestinal health and will make the diet process easier for those who want to lose weight with the feeling of fullness it creates.

Its structure rich in antioxidants appears as a natural protection factor against cancer. Due to its structure, which can be considered as a source of minerals, especially zinc, consuming black-eyed peas makes it harder to get chronic diseases, shortens the healing time of wounds on the body, is good for fatigue, helps eliminate hair and skin problems, and strengthens immunity.

2) Cucumber

summer vegetables

Almost all of us have washed cucumbers and eaten them crunchily on hot summer days. Cucumber, which we consume either alone or chopped into salads, is both delicious and useful. Thanks to its low-calorie and high-fiber structure, it gives you a feeling of satiety and does not cause worry about whether consuming it in large amounts will make you gain weight.

It has a diuretic nature as it is abundant in water and contains high potassium and low sodium. Due to its content of vitamins A, C and K, it plays an important role in dental, eye, cardiovascular, intestine, skin and bone health.

3) Okra


When talking about summer vegetables, okra, which is a nightmare for children, is one of the things that come to mind immediately. This food, which is loved by as many people as it is disliked, should be one of the useful and indispensable items on the table. Consumption of okra, which is low in calories and high in antioxidants, plays an important role in weight control, the health of various organs and in reaching daily intake doses of certain vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, another important vitamin it contains, is recommended during pregnancy.

4) Tomato


The benefits of this beautiful summer vegetable, which has an incredibly wide range of uses from meals to salads, from pastes to sauces, are countless. Tomato, which is a food source rich in vitamins and minerals, also strengthens your immunity, is good for your eye, heart and skin health and even provides protection against cancer, thanks to lycopene, which is one of the active ingredients that gives it its red color.

5) Pepper

summer vegetables

Peppers, of which there are many types, are among the summer vegetables that must be consumed. It is important to consume this unique flavor, which adds flavor to meals and is eaten crunchy at breakfast tables. Thanks to its high vitamin C, it strengthens immunity and protects the body against infections.

6) Eggplant

summer vegetables

Eggplant, which is frequently consumed all over our country, has an important place among summer vegetables. While its consumption in the form of fried food should of course be limited, eggplant, which is one of the indispensable dishes on the table, both with kebabs and appetizers, is also important for kidney, liver and pancreas health. At the same time, since it is a diuretic, it also facilitates the removal of excess water from the body.

7) Purslane


This vegetable, which can be consumed both as a meal and as an appetizer, is also very beneficial for health. Due to its antioxidant-rich structure and very low calories, it is one of the main vegetables that should come to mind when talking about weight control and healthy nutrition. It has many positive effects on the circulatory system and kidneys. It is especially effective in excreting sand and stones from the kidneys.

8) Pumpkin


This summer vegetable, which can be consumed in many ways, including stuffed, fried and juicy dishes, is also very useful as well as delicious. Since it contains many minerals, it is necessary for the regulation of many cellular activities of the body.

Its high fiber content is perfect for the proper functioning of the digestive system. We would like to emphasize again that zucchini, which also helps reduce the risk of possible cancer, should not be missing from the tables.

9) Artichoke

summer vegetables

Artichoke, one of the liver's best friends, is among the summer vegetables that must be consumed. It has very positive effects in removing toxins from the body, calming the body, easing the functioning of the heart, and reducing urea and cholesterol. Not only is it easy to digest, it is also good for the digestive system thanks to its fiber content.

10) Broad beans

broad beans

Consuming broad beans, which are available in markets and greengrocers, even if only for a short time, as we enter the summer, is also valuable in terms of its benefits. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Broad beans are one of the summer vegetables that are very beneficial for the digestive system, thanks to their high fiber content. It strengthens immunity and helps lower cholesterol. It can be preferred for weight control due to its satiating effect.

11) Green Beans

summer vegetables

Green beans, one of the most important foods of traditional Turkish cuisine, do not deserve this importance for nothing. It can be consumed as pickles as well as in olive oil and meat dishes. It has high content in folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K.

It is effective in lowering bad cholesterol. Thanks to its antioxidants, it plays an active role in removing toxins from the body. With its high fiber content, it is valuable for people who are on a diet for both digestive system health and weight control.

12) Mulberry

summer vegetables

Mulberry is one of the healthy and delicious heralds of the arrival of summer, with its calcium, abundant fiber and vitamins B and C content. There are two types of mulberries, white and black, and their consumption and usage area is wide. It has an immune-boosting effect. Fiber content plays an active role in regulating digestion and helps regulate blood sugar.

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