Everything You Need to Know About Turnip Juice

Turnip juice is a drink prepared with the turnip plant, a type of beet. It helps protect our immune system, which allows us to fight diseases. The benefits of turnip juice are much more than we expected. We can see that this sour and delicious drink, unique to Çukurova, is served with many meat dishes. Salads made with turnip juice and mixtures prepared for detoxification purposes are also the favorite choices of those who eat healthy. This antioxidant, which is a source of vitamins, also acts as a detoxifier.

What Does Turnip Juice Add to Our Physical Health?

Our body is exposed to many toxins through breathing or nutrition. Turnip juice helps us get rid of these toxins. It is not surprising that it is preferred by those who do not want to gain weight. If we talk about other attractive benefits of turnip juice, which is very low in calories:

  • It accelerates the healing of throat infections.
  • It strengthens our bones with the calcium it contains.
  • It contributes to eliminating anemia in iron deficiency.
  • Since it contains potassium, it helps prevent hypertension.
  • It supports the easy excretion of urine from the body.

Are the Benefits of Turnip Juice Only Physical?

benefits of turnip juice

In addition to calcium and potassium, turnip juice also contains phosphorus. It is said that when these three come together, it also reduces stress. We often hear that various teas and herbal foods reduce anxiety. Some scientific data have proven that certain minerals and vitamins benefit our mental state. For example, the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depression has also been observed experimentally. As a result, the way we eat plays a big part in our well-being.

Does Turnip Juice Have an Aphrodisiac Effect?

Does Turnip Juice Have an Aphrodisiac Effect?

Many natural and herbal foods are known for their aphrodisiac properties. Products that increase libido and positively affect sexual life are called aphrodisiacs. Turnip juice is also seen as a source of healing that improves sexual performance. It is said that it increases the sexual drive to its peak by making blood flow faster and supports sperm quality.

How is Turnip Juice Made?

turnip juice

Turnip plant mixed with black carrot. Water is added to the black carrot. It is obtained by adding salt in the last stage. We can also prepare turnip juice ourselves at home. Ingredients needed for turnip juice, which is neither troublesome nor requires many ingredients:

1) A 10 liter canister or glass jar

2) A clean and thin cloth

3) 1 beet

4) Half a loaf of bread

5) 1.5 or 2 tablespoons of rock salt

6) 1 teaspoon of lemon salt

7) 5 liters of turnips

8) Approximately 1 kg of black carrots

The preparation stage is as follows:

1) For hygienic reasons, first black carrots, turnip plants and beets are washed thoroughly.

2) After washing, the outer part of the black carrots is separated with the help of a knife.

3) Cut the carrot into quarters and cut the turnip and beet into strips.

4) Place the bread on a clean cloth and close it tightly. It is placed in a pickle container.

5) Mix the ingredients on hand, preferably with two tablespoons of salt water, and fill the entire canister.

6) Leave it in a place out of sunlight for approximately two weeks.

7) After the waiting period, the clean cloth inside is removed and the turnip juice is ready to drink.

How Often Can We Drink Turnip Juice?

turnip juice

Considering that excess of anything is harmful, we should not consume excessive turnip juice. Excessive consumption of turnip juice may cause indigestion in people with sensitive stomachs. Experts say that people with blood pressure problems should not overdo it. Drinking 1 glass of turnip juice a day is enough for us to benefit from its benefits. Due to the high salt content, those with heart disease should consume as little as possible.

What Recipes Can We Prepare with Turnip Juice?


There is a recipe for turnip juice that people who are fond of pickles will love. Just as most vegetables are pickled, we can also pickle turnips. Our required materials are:

1) 1 tablespoon of brine

2) 2 cloves of garlic

3) 1.5 cups grape vinegar

4) 1 kilo of turnips

5) 1 liter of water

If we are ready for the construction phase:

1) Turnips are cut in a circular shape.

2) Add salt to the boiled water and boil the turnips for 5 minutes.

3) Turnip is poured into a glass jar.

4) Add all the remaining ingredients and close the lid tightly.

5) After 7 days, you can serve your turnip pickles.

Recipe suggestion: Be careful to keep your pickles in a cool place. Adding bunches of parsley on top makes your pickle more delicious.

So, can we make a salad with high nutritional value with turnip juice?


Although it is generally consumed as a drink, we can make a delicious salad accompanied by bulgur. How Does?

1) 150 g pickled cucumber

2) A bunch of dill

3) 3 spring onions

4) 1.5 cups coarse bulgur

5) 100 g canned corn

6) 1 glass of water

7) 3 tablespoons of olive oil

8) A little more than 1 cup of turnips

9) Salt

10) A pinch of black pepper

Let's start with the construction:

1) Add coarse bulgur, turnips and water and boil.

2) Wait for it to absorb its water thoroughly.

3) The remaining ingredients are sliced ​​thinly.

4) When the bulgur absorbs its water, remove it from the stove and add all the ingredients.

5) Finally, pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil and mix thoroughly.

Can We Make Soup from Turnip Juice?


Soup, which warms us especially in the winter months, also takes its place on our tables with the comfort of summer. It is possible to make a soup that is both practical and healthy with turnip juice. Ingredients needed for our soup that we can prepare with turnip juice, which is rich in antioxidants:

1) Half a tablespoon of butter

2) 1 tablespoon tomato paste

3) 1 large tomato

4) 6 tablespoons coarse bulgur

5) 7 cups chicken broth

6) 1 kg of turnips

Here's how to make this natural and delicious soup:

1) First, cut the roots of the turnip and peel the skin with a knife.

2) Cut the turnips into sugar cube size.

3) Soak the turnip in water for an hour to remove its bitter taste.

4) Fry the butter and add the tomato paste.

5) Add grated large tomatoes and mix over low heat.

6) Add chicken broth and continue boiling.

7) Add coarse bulgur and turnips cut into cubes.

8) After sprinkling the spices of your choice, continue boiling on very low heat.

What should we pay attention to when storing turnip juice?

turnip juice

As with most foods, it is very important to keep turnip juice in the refrigerator. Just like when making pickles, when storing turnip juice, we should close the lid tightly to prevent air from entering. If there is no problem with the cooling function of your refrigerator, you can store it for approximately 5 months. Leaving it outside, especially in the summer months, may cause it to deteriorate. If you want to preserve turnip juice during the winter months, you can keep it in a place away from the heat source and away from sunlight for months. You may see pulp-like deposits in the turnip juice you prepared after approximately 3 days. This situation, which occurs as a result of fermentation, is a very natural reaction.

We hope you add turnip juice to your life for healthy days!

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