Expert Who Exposed Facebook Scandal Reveals: Facebook is Listening to All of Us

Computer expert Chris Wylie, who revealed that the data of 50 million Facebook members was stolen through the survey application of the company called Cambridge Analytica, made frightening statements.

In recent years, personalized ads have surprised many Facebook users. For example, when you search for refrigerator on Google, you may encounter refrigerator ads in your Facebook feed. We were all experiencing these already, but one of the scariest claims of recent times is that Facebook is also using our phone calls to personalize these ads.

Which of us knows when the microphones of our devices are turned off or on? Therefore, any software with malicious purposes, especially unreliable applications, can listen to ambient sound even when our screens are turned off. Chris Wylie, one of the computer experts of the Cambridge Analytica company, who brought this scandal to light, was the person who announced this scandal to the press, risking the risk of losing his job. In his latest statements, he supported the claim that our calls are being listened to by Facebook.

“The social media giant listens to our voices and publishes ads that meet our needs that we do not search for on the internet but talk about.”

Wylie also talks about how easy it is to set up this system. Wylie: “Are you in an office environment, are you outside, are you watching TV, what are you doing at that moment? Facebook wants to know.” says.

Users who encountered surprising coincidences with personalized ads have been trying to provide evidence of this claim for a long time. That is, when you talk about comics on the phone with your friend, and within a few hours you come across comic book ads on Facebook. Of course, there are those who live among us. Some people said that this situation was exaggerated and that it was just selective perception.

In addition to these statements, Chris Wylie mentioned that the Cambridge Analytica breach affected much more than 50 million people. He says that this figure will grow significantly in the near future.

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