Gustav Klimt and His Revived Paintings

Have you ever lost your mind while looking at a painting and wandered around the invisible corridors of that painting? Although we often move to the world of paintings, photographer Inge Prader has created a work that brings the world of paintings to us. While the debate continues over whether art is for art's sake or for society, Australian photographer Inge Preder recreated selected iconic works of Australian artist Gustave Klimt to raise funds for the fight against AIDS, and the results were quite striking. Gustav Klimt lived in the 20th century, followed the Art Noveu (new art) movement and shaped his works with this understanding. Salient features of the Art Nouveau movement; rhythmic folds, natural vegetal lines, female figures with flowing hair, flower and branch motifs, and animal figures. While making his live recreations, Prader focused on Klimt's golden age between 1899 and 1910.

The sequence of images was shot for the Life Ball, an annual event in Vienna that raises funds to help fight AIDS. Inge Prader and her models did an incredible job of bringing two-dimensional paintings to life through photography. What are you thinking? Can you imagine your favorite painting like this?

Here are Gustav Klimt's paintings coming to life!

1- Beethoven Frieze

2- Death and Life

3-Beethoven Frieze

4- Flora and Pan

5- Magic

6- King Midas

7- Bethoven Frieze

8- Bethoven Frieze

9- Golden Fleece

10- Mars & Sacrani

We think it is a similar topic and we have previously included it on our blog. Vincent van Gogh's Works Describe! If you haven't read our article yet, we think it will interest you.

Art; We say, let it exist, whether for the society or for itself. Let's stay with art!

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