How Will Artificial Intelligence and Automation Eliminate Capitalism?

When the topics of artificial intelligence and the near future are brought up, people are often divided into two groups: Those who fully support artificial intelligence and those who are completely against it. Some call it the beginning, some call it the end. Naturally, the concepts of artificial intelligence and automation need to be evaluated sociologically. One of the predictions that can most easily gather current ideas into a common denominator is that capitalism will end. It may be useful to delve deeper into this prediction.

It is almost certain that artificial intelligence and automation will lead to mass unemployment. The reason for this is that some professions are gradually disappearing and will not come back. Machines have already begun to demonstrate their abilities that are far superior to humans.

Generally, each revolution would create an order that would then create its own employment. The biggest example of this undoubtedly took place during the Industrial Revolution. However, the alternative employment that will emerge to replace the professions destroyed after the technological revolution does not seem to meet the needs of everyone. This is a sign that unemployment will be on a global scale. Let's simply take a look at the professions that artificial intelligence has started to take from humans:

1) Driving

Public transportation and private vehicles have already started to get their share of automation. It is said that vehicles will be completely controlled by artificial intelligence in 2020. There are many people working as taxi, truck, private and similar drivers in the world, and technology will definitely affect these people.

2) Cargo Delivery and Transportation Works

Amazon Prime Air, as it is known, delivers using drones, and most of the time this takes less than 30 minutes. This technology, which started to be used in 2017, seems to cause people doing these jobs to lose their jobs in the coming years.

3) Journalism

Artificial intelligence bots can already write articles about business and sports and send them to organizations such as Forbes. Many experts predict that by 2030, 90% of journalism will be automated.

4) Being a therapist

Social robots are starting to teach children social morals. The most well-known of these is the robot named Milo.

(For now, it is difficult to name a profession that will not be automated. Professions that involve crafts and science, including being a doctor, architecture, lawyer, teacher and bartender, are also being automated.)

So How Will This Situation End Capitalism?

The fact that artificial intelligence starts the global unemployment problem will undoubtedly destroy the working class first. The extinction of the working class will affect the owners of capital the most. This will destroy the hostility between the Proletariat (lower social class) and the Bourgeoisie (the person who gains power from the employer position), which is shown in many places as the skeleton of the system, because one class will disappear completely. The complete loss of purchasing power of the masses – especially the middle class – will gradually narrow the customer potential of capital owners. Because the two classes constantly feed each other involuntarily.

Korkut Boratav made the following statement on this subject in his article titled 'Contrary voices from a banker':

“This system, by its nature, is like a scorpion: It commits suicide by destroying the working class that sustains it; It also brings about its own end. Will this 'funeral' be held 'spontaneously' or, in the words of the International, with 'the last fight'? Maybe today's young people will see it.”

Let's say we are unemployed, will we eat stones? How Will We Obtain Our Economic Income?

If there is capital available and the working class has completely collapsed, the concept of 'Universal Basic Income' will be the first concept that comes to mind. Although it has been tried in some countries, it is still not clear whether it will give definitive results. Many people, including Mark Zuckerberg, advocate 'Universal Basic Income'. In recent years, this issue has become a topic of interest in academic fields as well. Very simply, Universal Basic Income means that the state gives a certain amount of money to every citizen, regardless of their welfare level. (If you are interested in the subject, you can find articles about Universal Basic Income from the 'Google Scholar' section.)

Of course, only time can tell us how things will go in this regard. We cannot know how many of these will affect Turkey or countries that are not directly involved in automation. However, we can say that pilot Ülker, who directly uses artificial intelligence, has entered this tunnel. Time will tell what happens next, not theories and predictions.


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