How Your Choice of Music Genre Impacts Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Surprisingly, the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur are the same as those of music lovers and musicians. For example, Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, Roger McNamee, founder of Siver Lake Partners and Elavation Partners, can be given as examples. Apple founder Steve Wozniak is also a musician. Many other successful people are also known to have a relationship with music. We can say that the best proof of this is Albert Einstein. In an interview, he said, “I usually think with music. I see my dreams with music and look at my life from the perspective of music. I get the greatest pleasure in life from music. ” said.

Well, listening to music is so important, but should we listen to all kinds of music?

The answer to this question is of course 'no'. Each genre of music has its own character, and it conveys this character to its listeners over time. Also, if every person who listened to or produced music was successful, our world would be in a different situation than it is now. Of course, there are many factors to being successful and music is just one of them.

It has been observed that individuals with entrepreneurial tendencies have extremely high-quality behavioral qualities such as high need for success, courage to take risks, tolerance for uncertainties, high internal locus of control, ability to act independently and self-confidence. According to research conducted by psychologists, people with these characteristics tend to listen to types of music that are products of 'high culture'. Among the music genres called high culture, we can count styles such as jazz, blues, classical music, experimental electronic music and experimental rock. These styles are very open to innovation and continuous development, they use multiple instruments together and require high teamwork skills. Therefore, it is very suitable for the characteristics of entrepreneurs.

Music genres belonging to folk culture and popular culture hinder the strengthening of entrepreneurial tendencies or cause them to weaken. Entrepreneurship is unfortunately a more difficult journey for the listeners and producers of music genres that are far from innovation, appeal to the general audience, and are a continuation of popular culture rather than surprising people.

In addition, although hard work is shown as one of the success criteria for entrepreneurs, psychologists state that having fun and socializing are indispensable for success. It is recommended that you find ways to have fun that will motivate yourself and practice them from time to time.

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Note: Information provided by Prof. Dr. Taken from Feyzullah Eroğlu's study titled 'A Research on the Relationship Between Preferred Music Genre and Entrepreneurial Tendency'.

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