Introducing Contenting: Your Personal AI-Powered Content Assistant Delivering Tailored Recommendations Based on Your Interests

Nearly 6000 articles, blogs and news are published every minute around the world. Content production in the digital world is faster than ever. It is becoming increasingly difficult to follow this flow on an individual basis and find quality content that appeals to our interests in this sea of ​​content. Clicking on each article, news or blog post without being able to predict what it will contain has become a tiring experience. When the time problem that the modern world and metropolitan life brings to our lives is added to this, a new value emerges: content compilation.

It manages to reduce the content compilation, which is called Content Curation in English, to the individual. Content Appwhich recommends content that may interest you based on your content consumption habits An AI-powered content assistant It appears right at this point. Contenting scans thousands of Turkish content simultaneously; It offers a unique experience for anyone who wants to consume quality content, away from the chaos of the digital world.

How to Use Contenting?

After selecting your interests in Contenting, you enable the algorithm to get to know you better by swiping the content suggestions presented to you to the right (like) and left (dislike) and by clicking on the content that interests you. Contenting's artificial intelligence-supported algorithm begins to develop in parallel with your behavior and content consumption habits within the application and offers you better suggestions after each use.

In the Contenting App, users can create their own lists if they wish! Users can add any content they want from any publisher they want to these lists, and they can share the lists they create in any medium they want.

There is also messaging between users. Any user can send the desired content as a message to another user with a single click, and can also chat if they wish.

What Does Contenting Offer to the User?

• The thing about Contenting is that it offers a personalized experience thanks to its artificial intelligence-supported algorithm. In this way, you avoid wasting time spent on digital media and have a perfect flow that you cannot find anywhere else.

• Contenting recommends a single piece of content after each scroll. It asks you to focus on a single content on each screen and offers a controlled content consumption. Therefore, you will not get lost among complex content cards and endless flows.

• Contenting provides access to content in the fastest way. You won't have to wait for the pages to open for a long time.

• Thanks to its user-friendly interface, it provides an efficient application experience by keeping you away from negative effects such as digital confusion and screen fatigue.

• Contenting ensures that you receive notifications of the most important developments and the highest quality content from both domestic and international markets, in line with your choices.

• You can save any content you want to browse later. You can also easily access the content you like whenever you want.

• You can create lists from the content you want. These lists are followed by other users.

• Contenting selects the content producers it includes in its algorithm with great care. It works with visionary, inspiring, new generation publishers who produce quality content.

• Contenting Google Play Store And App Store You can download it and start using it immediately. “Let me have a content assistant too!” We welcome everyone to Contenting, which is completely free.
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