Is the Concept of Digital Natives Valid or Deceptive?

Studies on the concept of 'digital native', which is used to describe those born in 1984 and later, have revealed that everything we have known so far is a lie.

'Digital Native' concept for the first time; With the advent of personal computers, it was used to describe people born into the digital world. in 2001 PrenskyDigital natives, who came to the fore with the article written by , are better at using computers than the previous generation, have a good command of the digital world, and have the ability to do more than one job at the same time.

In addition to the realization of many educational revisions made after 2001, this theory has also become a phenomenon that academics who study intergenerational studies have examined with great interest.

But ' published in October 2017The Myths of the Digital Native and the Multitasker' argues that there is no such thing as a digital native. According to the article; It is not possible for us to talk about a concept and community called digital native. Using digital competently and effectively is not determined by date of birth; It has something to do with education and time spent digitally.

Another interesting situation mentioned in the article is that people called digital natives cannot understand whether digital news is true or false.

According to the same article, the ability to do more than one job at the same time is not as it seems. Research shows that; It is not possible to do two things at the same time. We just make quick transitions from one job to another. This situation causes visible inefficiency in the work done.

So, what do you think about this? Do Digital Natives really exist? Or is it too early to use such concepts?

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