Lucifer: Is It a Devil or an Angel?

Lucifer is a name that frequently appears in mythology. This definition of Latin origin has a great role in Christianity. So what is the story of this character? Who actually is? Let's see together.

What is the Meaning of Lucifer? What Does Lucifer Mean?

Lucifer means fallen angel in English. “Is Lucifer the devil?” Although the answer to the question is “yes”, the definition of this character is different in many civilizations. In Latin, it means radiant and Venus. In many sources, it is depicted as a symbol of light as well as a representative of darkness.

What is the Story of Lucifer? Who is Lucifer? What is Lucifer?

Lucifer is depicted in different ways in different belief systems. Sometimes he is the devil himself, sometimes he is a luminous being. Description; It varies in Ancient Rome, Christianity and Ancient Greece.

Its story is also quite variable in certain esoteric groups and sects, regardless of the periods. Although it is an identity most commonly associated with the devil, it appears in surprising ways as a concept. When we look at the story of this mythological character, we can first start with its definition in Christianity.

Christianity and Lucifer

In Christian belief, Lucifer is an evil being who rebels against God and succumbs to his passions. It draws people away from goodness and encourages self-centeredness. He is expelled from heaven by God and becomes the metaphorical meaning of ego, arrogance and rebellion.

He is described as a dazzling angel who was loved by the creator before he rebelled. He chose to boast about God's holy and exalted position.

This being, who was very interested in his own intelligence and power, also wanted to reach the unique characteristics of God. After this passion, which was seen as the starting point of evil, the concept of sin took its place in Christianity.

From the moment he tried to exploit his gifted qualities, he was doomed to become a fallen angel.

This character, who chose darkness with his free will, was called satan (devil) after he was expelled from heaven. There are some sources where he is described as the son of Satan.

It aimed to alienate people from the creative source. Its ultimate purpose; His aim is to prevail over the creator whom he sees as a rival, to lead everyone astray from the right path and to draw them to his side.

Lucifer Mythology: Description of Lucifer in Ancient Greece (Lucifer in Greek Mythology)

Lucifer is an important character in Greek Mythology. During the ancient Greek period, it was previously thought that Venus consisted of two separate entities. Astrologers of the period spread the information that Venus was a unique star and it was named Eosphoros/Phosphorus. Its Latin translation is Lucifer, meaning Lucem (light) and Ferre (bringer). Thus, it is identified with the appearance of Venus in the morning.

The reason why it is called the prince of darkness is a philosophical approach from that period. Venus was admired because it was the brightest planet, rising before the Sun and shining in the darkest hour. That's why in Ancient Greece, the messenger of light was Venus, that is, Lucifer.

In the words of Carl Jung, “One can be enlightened not by thinking about the light, but by being aware of the darkness.” We can see that it was named with a philosophical approach in Ancient Greece, similar to the perspective of the famous psychoanalyst.

Aradia: Lucifer in the Witches' Bible

In this book about esotericism, ancient Italian witchcraft is mentioned. In the work written by Charles Leland, Lucifer again appears as a being who brings light. In these compiled texts, which are essentially the teachings of witchcraft, there is a triple belief system passed down from generation to generation. These:

Diana, Roman goddess, Lucifer, the radiator of light, Aradia, daughter of Diana and Lucifer.

In this belief system, it was believed that Aradia was sent to the world to protect people from the Catholic Church. However, it still has a following in neopaganism.

The Place of Lucifer in Mithraism

Mithraism, a mystical Roman culture, was a sect that existed between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. No written source could be found for the occult information transmitted, and it remained confidential.

In the teachings disclosed only to members of the sect, Lucifer was seen as the god of both good and evil. In this belief system, which depicted Lucifer in a more dualistic framework, the main theme was astrology. December 25 was the birthday of this god. Since it is associated with the sun, stories have been told about him having dinner with his disciples from 12 different signs of the zodiac.

Is Lucifer Satan or Angel?

“Is Lucifer an angel?” The answer to the question is actually both yes and no. Lucifer; In heavenly religions, he is known by names such as Satan, Iblis and Azazil. It symbolizes evil, sin and malignant actions. The connotation that comes to mind has changed from time to time and has been perceived in different ways. In some occult beliefs, it continues to be seen as a source of light.

It has been depicted uniquely in various geographical locations and has transformed over time. In some civilizations, it is a shining sacred entity. In some civilizations, a god is a combination of good and evil…

It has come from ancient times to the present day with various attributes and has preserved its place. Whether Lucifer is innocent or sinful is determined by the teachings. When viewed from a dualist approach, it can be said that it is a necessary entity for the existence of goodness. The fact that every concept exists with its opposite is also included in the ying-yang philosophy. In this case, the perspective from which the window is viewed becomes important.

No matter how we describe it, choosing goodness is a matter of choice. Confronting our inner dark side allows us to polish these aspects. Taming our negative aspects is the most important point in overcoming the Lucifer within us.

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