Novices in Coding, Come Here: Which of These 5 Areas Appeals to You?

It is an undeniable fact that we now live in a digital age with changing world conditions and constantly developing technology. Everything is changing very fast. New add-ons and updates are included even in the software languages ​​that have been used since the birth of the computer. Even a new programming language can be created by some software developers or companies.
Many candidates who want to build their future on software may have difficulty deciding which field to focus on and which steps to follow. Because every path we take leads us to a new crossroads, and each junction forces us to make new decisions, and each new decision shapes our lives. Work can be done in many areas at the same time, but when we look at the general situation of the business world and the market, it seems that every software developer has a field in which he specializes. In addition to all these works, a good software developer should constantly follow the current agenda and be aware of technological developments, maintain his hunger for lifelong learning by constantly improving himself, and have a versatile personality by being interested in other areas outside his field of expertise, even if only a little.
Software languages ​​can be grouped into two main headings: low-level languages ​​and high-level languages. Their semantic features, coding similarities and closeness to machine language constitute this classification. Languages ​​closer to machine language, such as Assembly and C++, are considered low-level languages, while languages ​​such as Java and C# are considered high-level languages. When we look at the ease of learning, we can say that low-level languages ​​are a little more complex and difficult than high-level languages. However, in order to learn the language that suits the field you want to work in, no matter how easy or difficult it is, you have to focus all your concentration on that language.
C Programming Language is recommended as a basic starting point for anyone who wants to learn a programming language, no matter what field they want to work in. The C programming language, which emerged as a by-product while trying to create Unix in BELL Laboratories, minimized the cost excess caused by the older Java. C, which is the first stop for anyone who wants to establish the basics of programming logic, will provide a great ease of learning no matter which language you want to work with, if it is fully learned.


If you want to create a personal website, which is one of the things we all want to do, learn how to code a website and develop internet-based software, you can improve yourself in this field instead of directly entering any programming language. In general, there are many ready-made platforms to create a website, but there are serious differences between coding a website and making a website. In this field, HTML, CSS and Javascript languages, which are called the 3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and are complementary to each other, are used. If we compare website programming to building a house, HTML describes the bricks, CSS describes the connections between the bricks, and Javascript describes its location and relationship with other houses. These languages, whose coding schematics are extremely close to each other, are also called the languages ​​that make us love software and are considered the starting point for almost all of us. Besides all these, if you want to lay a strong foundation for your house, it will also be beneficial for you to learn Bootsrap. These are extremely simple to learn and very easy to code, and you will only need to use the notepad on your computer without the need for any compiler. It is also important to check that your computer has a Jquery supported extension.

2) Web Development (PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA EE, DJANGO)

If we look at the business areas and market preference in Turkey, these are the most preferred and well-known software areas compared to other areas. Php, which is a server that anyone interested in Web Design will encounter frequently, even if they do not use it, is the most preferred one in this field, along with ASP.NET. You can develop internet-based software and applications with these languages, which are very fun and easy to learn.


Desktop applications are a field that falls at the intersection of both high-level and low-level languages. While C++ and Python provide a little deeper learning and closer proximity to the machine, Java is a language that is a little easier and reduces the amount of cost rather than coding with ready-made Tools. While Java is most commonly used in the market, knowing C++ will also add a significant plus. The point to note here is that these languages ​​are completely independent and unrelated to each other, and their difficulties and areas of application are completely different.

4) Mobile Software (SWIFT, JAVA, C#)

If you want to develop mobile applications and do result-oriented projects, Java and especially C# are the flag bearers in this field, which is the other most preferred field. While C# is mostly used in game software, Java is a little less costly for mobile developers.

5) Embedded Systems (C, C++, ASSEMBLY)

These languages, which are considered low-level in terms of their closeness to machine language, are quite difficult to learn. Even though Assembly is no longer preferred, C++’s recent updates and dramatic changes in C have made them a little more complicated. This software field, which is based on electronic coding, requires a lot of patience and dedication.

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