Parisian Style: Feel the Influences of Paris with Your Style!

What do you know about Parisian style? Parisian, which is one of the enjoyable methods of capturing a classic and stylish look, actually directly means “Parisian style”. Although this expression is used in areas such as decoration and design, it has generally found a place in the fashion industry. Parisian style, built on the basic logic of using quality basic pieces and choosing a small number of accessories, describes the elegance of Parisian women.

Parisian style is a style that will make you feel the breeze of Paris, which is considered the capital of fashion. Parisian, which has become one of the popular concepts of the fashion industry, makes even your simple and natural appearance look extremely stylish if applied correctly.

Parisian style, shaped by the French school, especially Parisian women, is almost associated with the lifestyle. Because Parisian touches a person's life when applied correctly. So, how did Parisian women achieve their world-famous elegance? To which parts do they owe their confident image?

General Overview of Parisian Style

There are three main elements that stand out in the Parisian style: Simplicity, comfort and naturalness. In this style, which means combining high-quality pieces that will make you comfortable throughout the day, there are no deep necklines or excessive accessories.

Even make-up, which is seen as a complement to the style, is not included much in this style. At this point, naturalness is among the features that are not wanted to be lost. The naturalness mentioned in the Parisian style also finds itself in the hair. Especially models that come straight from the hairdresser cannot find a place in this style.

Clothes and accessories that complement the appearance are very important in the Parisian school. But it would be wrong to say that the style in question is all about clothes. In this style where naturalness and simplicity prevail, certain behaviors of the person are extremely important in complementing your style.

Parisian style, which can be perceived as behavior and perspective on life rather than the harmony of clothing and accessories, is defined by some as effortless elegance. Especially choosing minimal pieces without exaggeration ensures that the result always presents a highly qualified appearance.

What is meant by Effortless Elegance?

timeless elegance

Having a stylish look without having to spend hours getting ready is among the main elements of Parisian style. Light make-up, natural and well-groomed hair, simple and comfortable clothes that match each other… These important details are the main elements that enable the Parisian school to achieve elegance effortlessly. But there is one ingredient that surpasses the importance of all of these: nobility in behavior. If you manage to apply the Parisian school to every moment of your life, you can be sure that you will not have any problems in presenting a quality image.

According to what is said; A Parisian woman doesn't need a lot of time to get ready. Because there are main pieces in your closet that can be used with many different outfits. Appropriate and modest choices over these main pieces allow Parisian women to get ready quickly.

Although French women do not try to look perfect, they look stylish enough to spread this school of thought all over the world, thanks to their nobility combined with simplicity and naturalness.

A few trousers suitable for your body shape, plain t-shirts that can match any color, and comfortable and stylish shoes are the main elements of the Parisian style. Although make-up and jewelry are preferred to slightly enliven this simple image, it is known that both of them are never exaggerated.

This style requires elegance, in which only red lipstick is at the forefront if make-up is to be used, and if accessories are preferred, one or two are chosen to add movement. Women who apply the Parisian style correctly believe that elegance and elegance cannot be achieved with too much effort but with sufficient care.

A Must-Have of Parisian Style: Restrained and Simple Image

parisian style

In the Parisian style, where natural tones dominate, vibrant and eye-catching colors are rarely used. In order to ensure that the image maintains its simple lines, bright colors among natural tones are preferred only in the details. The Parisian school, which thinks that less truly gives a more image, is colorless and even boring for some, but elegance is the denominator that meets everyone who sees this style.

A Parisian wants his style to be emotional. The person's style, which emphasizes his individuality, should be adorned with many unique details. The situation mentioned here does not mean that the woman should show too much cleavage or stand out with make-up when determining the style. In this case, the external image created by paying attention to even the smallest details should be personalized.

The same outfit should look different on different women. Because being measured and simple is not only about the details of the clothes. One of the most valuable accessories of a woman is how noble and measured her attitude is.

Advice for Women Who Want to Create a Parisian Style

Parisian Style

We have previously mentioned that there are some elements you should pay attention to if you want to define the legendary elegance of Parisian women as your own philosophy of life. In the Parisian style, where a natural and simple appearance will prevail, you should avoid any large and exaggerated detail. Even if you want the accessory to complete your elegance to be eye-catching, you should do this in a measured and balanced way. So, if you are one of those who want to create a Parisian style, what pieces should you include in your closet?

  • Solid colored or plain striped t-shirts, which are one of the indispensable parts of the Parisian style,
  • Types of trousers suitable for your body shape,
  • Solid colored or simple cut dresses and skirts where simplicity is at the forefront,
  • Blouses with small patterns that will not tire the eyes,
  • Elegant hats that will complement elegance,
  • Silk scarves that will blend simplicity with elegance,
  • Sneakers, sandals and low heels,
  • Small and elegant earrings.

There are many elements that need to be taken into consideration in order to evaluate all the pieces listed above within the Parisian style. In short, having all the clothes and accessories listed in your closet means that you have a Parisian style depends on some important details. These;

  • Every piece of clothing and piece you use must be cut to suit your body.
  • It is extremely important in this style to present an image that does not deviate from the simple line.
  • When each piece becomes a whole, a harmonious image should emerge.
  • The accessories used should not be large or eye-catching enough to draw attention at first glance.
  • Hair should have a natural appearance, not exaggerated.
  • Nails should be well-groomed and without exaggeration, in accordance with a simple and clean appearance.
  • Every piece used must have an extremely clean appearance and the line of quality stance must be preserved from every angle.
  • Shoes should not have a shape that will disrupt your gait. It should not be forgotten that one of the biggest determinants of the Parisian style is the confident stance.

In addition to paying attention to all these details, when you manage to complete your elegance with your elegant movements, Parisian style will become a lifestyle for you. In this way, you will be remembered for the elegance of your appearance and you will manage to stay in people's minds with your style.

So, what are the “must-haves” in Parisian Style?


What should not be in the Parisian style is actually hidden in every detail that will challenge you during the day. Any detail that you don't feel comfortable with cannot find a place in this style. In particular, there are no incorrect measurements that would restrict your movements at any point in this school. If you want to adopt a lifestyle in line with the Parisian style and if your style includes any of the things listed below, you must immediately eliminate them from your life.

  • All clothing and accessories with large and visibly placed logos,
  • exaggerated make-up,
  • Heels that make it difficult for you to walk or sneakers that do not have a comfortable fit,
  • Clothes that are too tight,
  • Low-cuts, which are obviously given in an exaggerated and bold way,
  • Many clothes and accessories that were obviously bought to comply with the trend,
  • Hair styled abundantly for a flawless look.

In fact, all the items mentioned here are details that restrict your comfort in your daily life. For example, clothing that is too tight not only restricts your range of movement but also causes your skin to not breathe as it should. This is actually a choice that will be to your detriment in the long run.

As you can see, comfort and simplicity are always at the forefront in the Parisian style. At this point, it should not be forgotten that every step taken in determining style actually means feeling much more comfortable. In addition, you should not forget that when you ensure that each piece has a quality appearance, you will have taken an important step in creating your own Parisian style.

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