Scientifically Proven Mind Trick to Enhance Your Memory of Learned Information

Our brain encounters many stimuli every day. In this direction, the things we need to learn are increasing in parallel.

Many methods have been produced from past to present to make the information learned memorable. If you think that the advice such as repeating frequently and strengthening the synapse network and making associations with similar words no longer works for you, you can try this mind trick.

Using visual memory to make information permanent

If you want to truly keep information in your mind, you need to describe that information by drawing according to science.

Visual memory always has a much more practical functioning system than keeping information in your mind word by word. Therefore, you can make the information more permanent by using visualization methods.

As an additional finding, scientists researching this issue revealed that drawing strengthens the memory of older adults against the danger of diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

It should also be underlined that you do not need to have excellent drawing skills to strengthen your memory and benefit from these benefits.

“We found that in older adults, drawing improves memory more than other known study methods.”

Mellisa Meade, one of the researchers, says that they came to the above conclusion as a result of their research.

“We are seriously encouraged by these results and are now exploring ways in which this could be used to help people with dementia who are experiencing sudden declines in memory and language function.”

In the research conducted by gathering 48 different participants, half of whom were in their 20s and half in their 80s, the participants were asked to do a series of exercises. Then, when the participants were shown words in turn, they were asked to write these words or draw the impressions in their mind on paper.

Participants were then asked to remember as many words as possible. In this regard, it has been revealed that young adults remember more words than older people.

Mellisa Meadei Huffington PostIn his interview:

“Drawing a picture is a very simple task and can be easily applied in daily life and improve memory.”

Scientists say drawing is more memorable than writing

Drawing turns out to be the most effective form of learning because information is represented visually, spatially, verbally and motorically.

In other words, while the information is kept in memory, it spreads to more regions and provides a more comprehensive learning process.

That's why you can add learning by drawing to your study system without hesitation. The results will be much more successful than you expected.

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