Shadowsocks Compiled Edition by Teddysun

Recently I spent some time making rpm and deb packages for shadowsocks-libev, shadowsocks-rust, go-shadowsocks2, v2ray-plugin, xray-plugin, v2ray, xray and other software.
Say one more thing, actually Docker Image Everything can be done, but if you install the rpm or deb package, the system resource overhead will be smaller, and it is suitable for machines with small memory.
If nothing else happens, I will continue to update the above software.

write in front

at present,Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository There are the following software that support x86_64 and aarch64 Two architectures, welcome to use!
If you have any questions or need feedback, please go to my Telegram groupproposed here.
Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository Applies to the following systems.
RHEL series:
Enterprise Linux 7 (CentOS 7, RHEL 7)
Enterprise Linux 8 (CentOS Stream 8, RHEL 8, Rocky Linux 8, AlmaLinux 8, Oracle Linux 8)
Enterprise Linux 9 (CentOS Stream 9, RHEL 9, Rocky Linux 9, AlmaLinux 9, Oracle Linux 9)
Fedora 37
Fedora 38
Fedora 39
Fedora 40
Debian series:
Debian 10
Debian 11
Debian 12
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04

RHEL system installation guide

Since dependent packages need to be installed, for the RHEL system, you must first open the EPEL Repository (the following operations are performed using the root user)

yum install -y yum-utils epel-release
yum-config-manager --enable epel

1. Execute the following command to install Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository:

yum-config-manager --add-repo

When the system is Fedora 37/38/39/40, execute the following command to directly install Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository (Note: Fedora system does not need to install EPEL Repository)

yum-config-manager --add-repo

2. Rebuild the repo cache and execute the following command:

yum makecache

3. Install the software package through yum, for example:

yum install shadowsocks-libev v2ray-plugin xray-plugin

4. If the software is upgraded in the future, you can also upgrade the software package through yum, for example:

yum update shadowsocks-libev v2ray-plugin xray-plugin

5. If you want to uninstall, you can also uninstall the software package through yum, for example:

yum remove shadowsocks-libev v2ray-plugin xray-plugin

1. View all software in Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository:

yum repo-pkgs teddysun list



2. Install all the software in Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository at once:

yum repo-pkgs teddysun install



3. Uninstall all software in Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository at once:

yum repo-pkgs teddysun remove



Debian System Installation Guide

1. For the Debian system, first add the public key of Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository (the following operations are performed using the root user)

apt-get update
apt-get -y install lsb-release ca-certificates curl gnupg
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor --yes -o /usr/share/keyrings/deb-gpg-key-teddysun.gpg
chmod a+r /usr/share/keyrings/deb-gpg-key-teddysun.gpg

When the system is Debian 10 / 11 / 12 execute the following command to directly install Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository:

echo "deb (arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/deb-gpg-key-teddysun.gpg) $(lsb_release -sc) main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/teddysun.list

When the system is Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04 execute the following command to directly install Teddysun Shadowsocks Repository:

echo "deb (arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/deb-gpg-key-teddysun.gpg) $(lsb_release -sc) main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/teddysun.list

2. Rebuild the repo cache and execute the following command:

apt-get update

3. Install the software package through apt-get, such as:

apt-get install -y xray xray-plugin

4. If the software is upgraded in the future, you can also upgrade the software package through apt-get, for example:

apt-get install --only-upgrade -y xray xray-plugin

5. If you want to uninstall, you can also uninstall the software package through apt-get, for example:

apt-get remove xray xray-plugin

Note: Since Debian officially has the same shadowsocks-libev software package, if you want to install the shadowsocks-libev provided by me, you need to specify the version number before installation. Other software is not affected.

apt-get install -y shadowsocks-libev=3.3.5-12


Update log for June 24, 2022:
Compiled shadowsocks-libev Latest code (Commits on Jun 23, 2022);
Update log for June 16, 2022:
Compiled shadowsocks-libev Latest code (Commits on Jun 4, 2022);

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y shadowsocks-libev

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the version number:

ss-server -h

Return value excerpt:

shadowsocks-libev 3.3.5

The default configuration file is as follows. If you need to customize the port, password, plug-in and other information, please modify it yourself.


Server service file


Start the server

systemctl start shadowsocks-libev-server

Stop the server

systemctl stop shadowsocks-libev-server

View server status

systemctl status shadowsocks-libev-server

Set the server service to start automatically at boot

systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev-server

The usage of other service files is the same as that of the server service, but the configuration file needs to be modified in advance.



Update log for February 19, 2024:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.18.1;
Update log for February 9, 2024:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.18.0;
Update log for February 2, 2024:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.17.2;
Update log for November 27, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.17.1;
Update log for October 15, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.17.0;
Update log for September 23, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.16.2;
Update log for September 1, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.16.1;
Update log for August 27, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.16.0;
Update log for July 7, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.15.4;
Update log for March 13, 2023:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.15.3;
Update log for December 24, 2022:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.15.2;
Update log for December 17, 2022:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.15.1;
Compiled shadowsocks-rust version v1.15.0;
Update log for June 18, 2022:
Compiled shadowsocks-rust The latest stable version v1.14.3;

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y shadowsocks-rust

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the version number:

ssservice --version

return value:

shadowsocks 1.18.1

The default configuration file is as follows. If you need to customize the port, password, plug-in and other information, please modify it yourself.


Server service file


Start the server

systemctl start shadowsocks-rust-server

Stop the server

systemctl stop shadowsocks-rust-server

View server status

systemctl status shadowsocks-rust-server

Set the server service to start automatically at boot

systemctl enable shadowsocks-rust-server

The usage of other service files is the same as that of the server service, but the configuration file needs to be modified in advance.



Update log for March 5, 2024:
Compiled the latest version v5.14.1 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for December 12, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.13.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for November 20, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.12.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for November 4, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.11.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for October 28, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.10.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for October 25, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.9.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for October 7, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.8.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for June 1, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.7.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for May 24, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.5.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for February 22, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.4.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for February 8, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v5.3.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for December 26, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v5.2.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for September 7, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v5.1.0 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for August 20, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v5.0.8 of v2ray-plugin;
Update log for June 16, 2022:
Compiled v2ray-plugin The latest version v5.0.7;

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y v2ray-plugin

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the version number:

v2ray-plugin -version

return value:

v2ray-plugin v5.14.1
Go version go1.22.0
Yet another SIP003 plugin for shadowsocks

This plug-in is compatible with shadowsocks-libev and shadowsocks-rust. You can call the plug-in by modifying its default configuration file.


Update log for February 26, 2024:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.8 of xray-plugin;
Update log for January 8, 2024:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.7 of xray-plugin;
Update log for November 18, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.6 of xray-plugin;
Update log for November 14, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.5 of xray-plugin;
Update log for August 29, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.4 of xray-plugin;
Update log for June 19, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.3 of xray-plugin;
Update log for April 18, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.1 of xray-plugin;
Update log for March 11, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.8.0 of xray-plugin;
Update log for February 9, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.7.5 of xray-plugin;
Update log for February 2, 2023:
Compiled the latest version v1.7.3 of xray-plugin;
Update log for December 26, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.7.0 of xray-plugin;
Update log for December 12, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.6 of xray-plugin;
Update log for November 28, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.5 of xray-plugin;
Update log for November 14, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.4 of xray-plugin;
Update log for November 7, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.3 of xray-plugin;
Update log for October 29, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.2 of xray-plugin;
Update log for October 22, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.1 of xray-plugin;
Update log for September 20, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.6.0 of xray-plugin;
Update log for August 29, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.5.10 of xray-plugin;
Update log for July 16, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.5.9 of xray-plugin;
Update log for June 20, 2022:
Compiled the latest version v1.5.8 of xray-plugin;
Update log for June 16, 2022:
Compiled xray-plugin The latest version v1.5.7;

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y xray-plugin

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the version number:

xray-plugin -version

return value:

xray-plugin v1.8.8
Go version go1.22.0
Yet another SIP003 plugin for shadowsocks

The plug-in is also compatible with shadowsocks-libev and shadowsocks-rust. You can call the plug-in by modifying its default configuration file.


Update log for April 6, 2023:
Note: This plug-in is currently deprecated and will no longer be updated. It is recommended to use v2ray-plugin or xray-plugin plug-in.
Compiled simple-obfs The current latest version v0.0.5, Commit is 486bebd9208539058e57e23a12f23103016e09b4;

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y shadowsocks-simple-obfs

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the version number:

obfs-server -h
obfs-local -h

Return value excerpt:

simple-obfs 0.0.5

This plug-in is compatible with shadowsocks-libev and shadowsocks-rust. You can call the plug-in by modifying its default configuration file.


Update log for October 14, 2023:
This is a new shadowsocks plug-in based on IETF-QUIC that complies with the SIP003 specification.
Compiled qtun The current latest version v0.2.0, Commit is db2e18c3555bcae27148c6bac3594ff969ed5634;

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y shadowsocks-qtun

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the server version number:

qtun-server --version

return value:

qtun-server 0.2.0

Execute the following command to view the client version number:

qtun-client --version

return value:

qtun-client 0.2.0

This plug-in is compatible with shadowsocks-libev and shadowsocks-rust. You can call the plug-in by modifying its default configuration file.
For specific usage, please refer to:


Update log for January 7, 2024:
Compiled the latest version of kcptun 20240107;
Update log for October 18, 2023:
This is a stable and secure tunneling software based on KCP, with N:M multiplexing and FEC functions. It can also be used as a plugin for shadowsocks.
Compiled kcptun The current latest version is 20231012, Commit is 0440abbc9124db0b67143cd12cc71a3ac2584bea;

Use the root user to execute the following command to install:

yum install -y kcptun

After successful installation, execute the following command to view the server version number:

kcptun-server --version

return value:

kcptun version 20240107

Execute the following command to view the client version number:

kcptun-client --version

return value:

kcptun version 20240107

The software is compatible with shadowsocks-libev and shadowsocks-rust, and the plug-in can be called by modifying its default configuration file.
It can also be used as independent software. The default server configuration file is as follows. If you need to customize the port, password and other information, please modify it yourself.


Server service file


Client service file


Start the server

systemctl start kcptun-server

Stop the server

systemctl stop kcptun-server

View server status

systemctl status kcptun-server

Set the server service to start automatically at boot

systemctl enable kcptun-server

One more thing

1. Unified download address:

2. All the above software can be installed on the same system without conflict.

rpm -qa | grep -E "shadowsocks|ray-plugin"

Binary file path:

ll /usr/bin/ss* /usr/bin/go-* /usr/bin/*ray-plugin | grep -v -E "ssh|sss_"

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