Spend Less Time Inside Your Own Thoughts

We are hearing from the successful writer Darius Foroux himself…

I know something about you without knowing you. I'm sure you spend a lot of time in your head.

You know, thinking, worrying, stressing, fearing… I call it a busy mind.

99% of your thoughts are useless. William James says this about it:

“Many people think they are thinking, but all they are actually doing is reconsidering their prejudices.”

All my life I've been obsessed with practical things. Practical philosophy, practical knowledge, practical books, practical study and practical suggestions.

This idea comes from Pragmatism, a philosophical tradition that began in America in the 19th century. Harvard professor Charles Sanders Peirce is considered the “father of pragmatism.”

But it was the philosopher William James, a trained physician, who truly defined this philosophy.

About thoughts, anxiety, and stress, William James says:

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

Pragmatism believes that reason is a tool. Your mind should work for you, not against you. People who have not mastered their mind do not believe it is possible.

They say: “I can't do anything but think.”

You can practice enough. It's a talent.

In other words: You have the ability to decide what you think. Or you can choose not to think.

And this is one of the most important and practical things you can learn in life. Before I learned this skill, I would spend hours in my head.

Think about how much you think.

● “I wonder what my boss thinks?”
● “What if I lose my job?”
● “Does he love me?”
● “I don't think he cares about me.”
● “I just keep failing.”
● “Why does my life suck?”
● “Why is my life great and other people's is not?”
● “What if I get cancer?”
● “I don't care about my job. Do I have a problem?
● “I can't finish anything I start. What's wrong with me?”

And the list goes on. It's all really nonsense. These are the things people say when I ask them what they're worried about.

Do you know what these thoughts do to you? Guilt, anger, pain…

99% of thoughts are useless. On the contrary, it causes harm.

So what thoughts are helpful?

1) Thinking about how you can solve the problems. Every problem is actually an unanswered question. Use your brain and think about how you can solve problems. There are a lot of problems in this world.

2) Understanding the information. This means: Try to internalize the information and apply it to your life, career, business, relationships, etc. Think about how you can use it to improve.

This much. You can ignore all other thoughts.

If you're thinking all the time, it's because you haven't trained your mind yet. You have to get out of your own head.

If you don't, you'll go crazy. Everyone goes crazy. There are no exceptions.

Plus, you're probably thinking so much that you're missing out on life. Did you notice the sunlight when you woke up this morning? Or raindrops? Have you noticed the smell of coffee?

If the answer is no, you definitely need to get out of your head. Stop thinking and start feeling.

Now you may be thinking: “How can I train myself to stop thinking useless thoughts?”


This is where it starts. Be aware of this every time you start drifting. Just observe your brain. Step outside yourself and just observe those silly things you think about.

Don't judge yourself. If you do that, you'll start thinking those stupid thoughts again.

What you need to do in moments like these is to say to yourself: “Oh, that's a cute thought, but let's get back to reality. ”

“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”
– William James

Have you come back to reality? Do you feel like your eyes are reading the letters on the screen? Do you feel your phone in your hand? Are you thinking about how to apply this knowledge to your life?

Great. You are using your mind! Now, keep using that brain of yours.

Because your brain is the most powerful tool in the world.

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