The Disadvantages of Sleep: What are the Symptoms of Hypersomnia?

A good sleep is an indispensable action for many people. You may want to fall asleep without thinking about the damage that sleeping too much will do to your body. Our body needs to have enough sleep and vigor to recharge itself. But too much of anything is harmful, so harms of sleeping too much is available.

Adequate sleep should be among the ‘must haves’ for the individual to continue the day energetically. So, what kind of problems does sleeping too much than necessary cause in your body and immune system? What should be done for a regular sleep? We take a closer look at the negative effects of oversleeping.

The harms of sleeping too much can turn into a disease: Hypersomnia.


Hypersomnia, which can occur in only two out of 100 thousand people, is a type of disease related to excessive sleeping. But hypersomnia is not like a tired individual falling asleep. In other words, we can say that the symptoms of hypersomnia disease are so numerous that they are visible to the naked eye. You may not be able to stop yourself from falling asleep and may fall asleep without even realizing it.

You may not be able to resist insomnia due to hypersomnia. Hypersomnia also has symptoms such as the individual falling asleep while working, eating or talking. Individuals with this disease may experience reactions such as constantly feeling tired after waking up, having difficulty waking up from sleep, and generally sleeping during the day.

Heart diseases may occur

According to research, various heart problems are among the harmful effects of sleeping too much. Heart diseases are among the most common causes of death today. Sleeping more than 8 hours a day increases your risk of heart attack by 34%. At the same time, your risk of having a stroke during a long sleep is higher than when you are conscious.

Oversleeping may be caused by thyroid glands

There are two types of thyroid that affect sleep. While one of the thyroid types causes the individual to experience insomnia, the other causes excessive sleepiness. In this case, you may wake up tired even though you think you got enough sleep. If you cannot make sense of your tiredness and weakness that occur in the middle of the day, the cause may be thyroid. It would be best to consult your doctor regarding this issue.

The harmful effects of sleeping too much can lead to depression.

effects of sleeping too much depression

Current research shows that depression symptoms are mostly linked to sleep. Sleep is one of the most important factors affecting our mood during the day. Sleeping more than necessary causes various reluctance in individuals.

The opposite of a situation such as ‘too much sleep causes depression’ may also occur. That is, individuals may be inclined to sleep due to various disorders that lead to depression. Let’s not forget that no matter which of the two types, this situation will continue as a cycle unless it is prevented…

Weight changes may occur

Another problem that is harmful to oversleeping and causes for individuals is a visible weight change. This problem, which generally seems to be related to sleep, is also linked to depression. Individuals who sleep more than 10 hours a day move less. For this reason, unwanted weight may occur.

When we cannot do our physical activities, our body becomes crude day by day. This causes less calorie loss than it should. Apart from weight gain, which is the result of too much sleep, there is also diabetes. Such sleep problems often lead to type 2 diabetes.

Among the harms of oversleeping, the most common symptom is headache:

We can say that headache is the most common issue that individuals with sleep problems suffer from. Insomnia causes severe headaches in people. Likewise, oversleeping can cause headaches that never go away. The reason why too much sleep causes headaches is; Sleep affects your serotonin and neurotransmitter levels.

What should be done for a quality sleep?

healthy sleep

  • First of all, if you want a comfortable and quality sleep, the hours you sleep are of great importance. The hours you sleep and wake up vary depending on criteria such as season, geography and age. But an adult needs about 6-8 hours of sleep.
  • Daytime naps are a habit most people have. But try to sleep at night, not during the day, unless necessary. Sleeping for no more than 20 minutes during the day can make you feel more vigorous.
  • Although this is sad news for those who like pre-sleep snacks, you should not eat anything before going to sleep. To ensure stomach comfort, try not to consume heavy foods before going to bed.
  • You should be careful not to keep devices such as phones, computers or televisions near the area where you will sleep. Such devices may disrupt your sleep quality due to the radiation they emit. Therefore, you may feel tired when you wake up.
  • Using a night light while sleeping is unhealthy for our body. The melatonin hormone secreted during sleep occurs only in dark areas.
  • You should not exercise before sleeping. Some people cannot fall asleep easily without getting tired. However, in this case, it is wrong to exercise before sleep. You can divide your exercise routine into suitable times during the day…

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