The Future of Energy Conversion – Hoxnian

This week, many conversations at the annual CERAWeek conference in Houston, Texas (one of the world's leading energy organizations) focused on the massive energy transition that is reshaping the global energy landscape. Topics ranged from energy and climate policy to innovations and investments in the energy market, which is undergoing unprecedented change.

The increasing role of renewable energy and the impact of distributed energy technologies were two main issues that were frequently discussed.

As GE, we aim to transform energy conversion into an evolution; That is, we believe it is moving away from a centralized, one-way grid towards a decentralized, carbon-neutral, digitalised network that is smarter and more productive.

This evolution brings together seemingly competitive energy offerings (solar, coal, wind and gas) that combine traditional forms of energy with emerging forms of energy to achieve more efficient and effective results.

Here are three applications of this evolution we're seeing and hearing from our customers:

1- Decarbonization
2- Decentralization (Decentralized)

3- Digitalization

Decarbonization: Customers are driving the rapid deployment of low-carbon technologies such as wind and solar. While coal and gas are certainly not going away anytime soon, companies must adapt their energy offerings to meet the growth of renewable energy and the increasing trend of energy efficiency.

Localization: There is growing complexity around distributed power due to widespread availability of low-cost distributed power technologies. Storage offerings, energy efficient solutions and consumer-centric understanding are playing an increasing role.

Digitalization: Customers are demanding customized and intelligent control systems to optimize plants and networks. That's why digitalization; We think it has the power to transform the industry. We've demonstrated first-hand the power of GE Digital on our own sites and with more than 1,000 customers using the Predix portfolio at industrial businesses in 85 countries around the world.

We see where the industry is heading and innovate to move forward.

Our scientists at GE Global Research have created a product development unit: with the aim of developing competitive products by a lean team that creates synergies between different industry trends.

Their leader, Keith Longtin, is an engineer in the product development unit “to innovate faster than Moore's law in the industries we operate in” He states that he is forcing it.

This week in Houston a competitive new product We explained. This is a system that allows energy operators to store large amounts of energy and transfer energy to the system when the customer needs it or when the price is more affordable. batteryis.

This energy storage system is 15 percent longer lasting, 5 percent more efficient, and installation time is about 70 percent shorter on average.

It packs 4MWh of battery storage and 10 years of energy storage experience into a 20-inch panel

Customers; will enable them to manage energy output for wind, thermal and solar energy needs a customized battery storage solution will provide.

This stored energy; That's enough energy to power 120 homes for an entire day, or to charge a typical electric car more than 50 times.

Teams at GE Power, GE Global Research and other GE companies draw on the latest advances in electric cars and solar technology, drawing on synergies and know-how from our businesses and laboratories. Our scientists have spent countless hours consulting with stakeholders relying on this technology and have incorporated their feedback into the development of this product.

Another breakthrough product representing the same idea is the world's largest and most powerful offshore wind turbine. Haliade-X'truck.

The team that created this product saw that it was both a game changer in the renewable energy market and the need to design and deliver a product that addressed the growing market demand for renewable energy and provided something new and different for customers.

Haliade-X is larger than other similar products on the market in both its capacity and energy output. With a capacity of 12 MW, it can meet the energy needs of 16,000 residences and produce 67GW-hours of energy per year, which is approximately 45% more energy than other offshore wind turbines available today.

Pushing boundaries and implementing change is in the DNA of GE employees. We've been part of the energy transition countless times over the last 125 years — and we're ready for the next iteration.

Together with our partners and customers, we will be at the forefront of creating a more efficient, reliable and productive energy system.

Haliade-X More information about from here you can reach.

WRITER: John Flannery /GE President and CEO

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