Warning from a Former Facebook Manager: “You are being manipulated!”

Chamath Palihapitiya, who serves as vice president of User Growth at Facebook, gave a speech at the event organized by the Stanford Business Institute on November 10, describing the “tremendous feeling of guilt” behind Facebook attracting and attracting two billion users.

The points he made in his speech echoed the words said by Sean Parker, one of the former executives of Facebook, on November 8.
Sean Parker noted on November 8 that Facebook provides “a dopamine hit and social validation feedback loop that exploits a vulnerability in human psychology.”

Telling the audience that they should take a “short break” from social media, Chamath stated that they have created a tool that rips apart the social structure of the way society works.

Commenting on whether Russia influenced the US election, Palihapitiya stated that this is not just a problem of Russia and the USA, but a global problem.
Palihapitiya also spoke about the incident that occurred recently in a village in India and was caused by a rumor circulating on WhatsApp, and stated that such rumors were circulating on Facebook and WhatsApp.

Palihapitiya stated that the feeling of perfection in social media changes our lives because we are rewarded with short-term signals such as likes and hearts.
“You don't realize it, but you are being programmed.” said.

Chamath said that he did not have a solution for this issue, but he could somehow cope with the problem by stopping using social media, and also stated that Facebook was doing positive things.

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