What Are the Types of Flour? Which Type of Flour is Healthier?

Flour types; It determines the taste of the bread, cake and pastry we eat. There are dozens of different types of flour used in Turkish and World cuisine. The healthiest types of flour you have never heard of are in our article in full detail…

History of Flour

Flour, obtained from various grains and raw materials, was first ground by the Romans. Around 9000 BC, wheat was discovered by being crushed with a millstone.

In fact, the first product that we can call bread belongs to the neolithic age. It is known that during this period, some herbal substances were mixed with water and cooked. Likewise, archaeological studies have shown that the Babylonian civilization baked bread around 4000 BC.

Starting from the 19th century, bread began to take its place in the industry with mass production. Wheat, which is not digested by the human body, has become food and has become the crown jewel of the table. After 1940, flour types increased, and then, one by one, the factories increased.

Flour varieties, which have been divided into many different types to this day, continue to be a subject of speculation. First of all, if we start with the flour types, let's take a look at wheat flour…

Wheat flour

flour types

The type of flour we are most familiar with is made from wheat. That's why it has become synonymous with the name of classic bread. Wheat flour, which is approached with more skepticism than before, is still an indispensable part of the kitchen. It continues to be a favorite of bakeries, hosts and pastry lovers. This food, rich in carbohydrates, is divided into many types. Wheat flour types are as follows:

  • White flour
  • Cake flour
  • pastry flour
  • Flour made from Durum wheat
  • semolina flour
  • bread flour
  • all purpose flour
  • phosphate flour
  • gluten flour

The nutritional values ​​of these types of flour, which are used especially in the production of bakery products, are also different. Gluten flour contains up to 45% protein. In bread flour, this amount is around 14%.

Semolina flour is rich in gluten and is used in making couscous. Noodles are also made with Durum wheat, which is obtained by grinding semolina into powder.

Cake flour is specially produced for dessert lovers. It is rich in starch and contains 7% protein.

All-purpose flour; It is used for all kinds of cakes, pastries, pastries and pastries. The protein content is approximately 8%.

Phosphate flour is more preferred in biscuit making. Baking powder is added during the production stage and is not suitable for bread making.

Barley Flour

flour types

This type of flour, made from barley, is preferred by many people for its health reasons. It contains gluten as well as useful minerals. Unlike white bread, it is more filling.

The benefits are quite attractive. It helps prevent hunger in a short time. It has also been shown in studies that it increases our chance of burning fat.

It is a type of flour that supports the nervous system, with its structure containing plenty of B vitamins. Foods made with barley flour are harder. It can be used in many pastries and adds a different flavor, especially in soup making.

The Most Popular Among Flour Types: Oat Flour

oat flour

Recently, oats have become an indispensable part of our breakfasts. Oatmeal, which we consume with various fruits or foods such as milk and yoghurt, also has flour. It is among the healthy flour types with its high protein and omega 3 content. For this reason, it also plays an important role in the diet of athletes.

No wonder it is often found on the shelves of dieters. It is also an excellent source of fibre, keeping you full and supporting weight loss.

Rye flour

flour types

Rye, a species of the wheat family, is one of the grains famous for its fiber content. Rye flour is darker in color and denser and contains gluten.

It is also preferred as an anti-aging agent due to its antioxidant effect. This type of flour, which is famous for containing many minerals, also contributes to the balanced functioning of the intestinal system.

It can be used in making all types of cakes, pastries and bread. It adds a nutritious and healthy flavor to recipes.

What Makes the Difference Among Flour Types: Einkorn Flour


Einkorn is one of the most talked about flour varieties in recent years. It is produced without genetically modifying wheat and has a history of approximately 12 thousand years. Industrially produced foods contain ingredients that cause type two diabetes. This is not the case with einkorn wheat.

Not only does it contribute to weight loss, but it is also preferred due to its cholesterol-free structure. It is seen as the secret of a long life because it contains vitamins E, A, B and high fiber. It is a food that people with gluten allergies can consume without hesitation and can be used in many pastries. It is especially used in making sourdough bread and its taste is quite delicious.



When we think of cornbread, the first place that comes to our mind is the Black Sea. This type of flour, which is abundant in Artvin, has very fine grains. It is produced from corn and its color is a mixture of yellow or dark beige. It does not contain gluten and can be eaten without consuming any breakfast product. It has a unique taste and is among the healthy flour types.

When mixed with other flours, foods such as pastries and pizza can be prepared. It is often used as a sauce when cooking fish products. It can also be added to soups and offers a unique palate experience.

Kavılca Flour

kavalca flour

Another type of flour that is genetically intact, just like Einkorn, is Kavılca. This type of wheat grown in karst has a low glycemic index. It contains much more minerals and vitamins than conventional flour. It is generally preferred by those who want to make a harder bread and its consistency is a bit dense.

In addition to being beneficial for the heart and intestinal system, its smell is also very appetizing. During the grinding stage, the minerals in its content are preserved due to the use of hydraulic power. Thus, it ensures direct intake of necessary vitamins and elements.

Dinkel Flour


Another name for Dinkel wheat is red wheat. It is one of the oldest wheat varieties in Anatolia. Since the amount of gluten is quite low, it is recommended for those with intolerance. However, it can also be consumed with peace of mind in patients with celiac disease.

It contributes to the reactivation of cells and helps keep the immune system strong. We can prepare many satisfying foods, from pasta to bread, with Dinkel flour. It is also known for creating a successful table richness in making pancakes, cakes and cakes.

Among the Unknown Flour Types: Karakılçık Flour

flour types

Although its name is not well known, it is a type of natural flour inherited from our ancestors. Blackberry, which has a thicker consistency, contains a very small amount of gluten.

It is high in protein and easily digestible. It does not cause indigestion when eaten as pastry and bread. Since it has a long durability, it does not mold in a short time. It is also intestinal friendly with its high fiber content.

Cracked Wheat Flour

crushed flour

Kırık wheat flour is a type that has been consumed in Kars and Erzincan for centuries. It has a high protein content and is rich in minerals. It is known as the most satisfying type of flour and has the ability to keep you full for a long time.

It can be used to make any pastry and similar foods that can be made with white flour. With its unique aroma, it is as good as classic flour in bread making. It is among the whole grain flours.

Yellow Wheat Flour

yellow wheat flour

Another option in the healthy flour category is yellow wheat flour. It is grown without fertilizer and ground with hydraulic power. It is high in protein and contains gluten.

It is widely used in making bazlama and pan bread, and in ring desserts. It can also be added to other types of pastries and breads to give them a pleasant taste.

Almond Flour

almond flour

This type of flour with a fine and soft texture is produced by grinding shellless almonds. It is among the healthiest flour types. Since it is gluten-free, it is a perfect alternative for those who suffer from indigestion problems. With its low carbohydrate content, we can say that it is a favorite of those who are on diets. It contains vitamins B and E in high amounts and ensures adequate calcium intake.

Almond flour, an essential ingredient in the brownie recipe, is also used in France's famous macarons. You can add it to desserts prepared with milk or add it to cookie dough.

Chickpea Flour

chickpea flour

You can also find chickpea flour, which you can make at home, in markets. It contributes to muscle development due to the high protein found in chickpeas. It helps keep blood sugar balanced and keeps you full. It also helps keep the immune system strong and is a heart-friendly type of flour.

You can create a delicious nuance in your bread and pancakes with chickpea flour. It is an ideal option especially for tastes from different cuisines such as hummus and falafel.

Chestnut Flour, One of the Healthiest Flour Types

flour types

Another remedy that does not cause indigestion for individuals with celiac disease is chestnut flour. Dried chestnuts are processed, ground and packaged. It does not contain gluten and is a source of phosphorus and magnesium. Chestnut flour, which is a source of protein, also has a high fiber content.

You can create countless wonders with this flour, which you can make any recipe you want. You can use it in both desserts and savory products, and even make pasta. It is particularly recommended for light presentations.

Carob Flour

flour types

Carob flour is an ingredient with high nutritional value and countless benefits. Carob grown naturally in Turkey does not contain any additives or pesticides.

Carob flour, which is the cure for bad cholesterol, is also good for digestion and heart. Since it is also known for its aphrodisiac effect, it is seen as a natural medicine that increases sexual desire.

It has a more sugary aroma with its unique taste. Therefore, it can be used instead of cocoa in making cookies and pancakes. Likewise, it is recommended for those on a diet to choose it instead of refined sugar.

Violet Flour, Which You Maybe Have Never Heard of Among the Flour Types

flour types

Another type that you may have never heard of is violet flour. It consists of a mixture of Ethiopian wheat and kavilca wheat. This hybrid breed glycemic index The least abundant wheat type. It has zinc, vitamin E and high amounts of potassium. It also provides significant benefits in terms of iron and magnesium.

You can prepare any bakery food you can think of in pastries. Since its gluten content is low, your chances of suffering from indigestion after consumption are very low.

Which one is healthier among flour types?

As we can see, there are many more types of flour than we thought. When it comes to health, there are many different perspectives. There are dozens of studies on the harms of white bread.

While some experts recommend multigrain breads, others favor gluten-free products. Rye etc. It is a known fact that flour types are sources of fiber. Because wheat has been genetically degraded over the years, cornbread and other gluten-free breads are recommended.

When it comes to which flour to choose, we may be a little undecided. If we have complaints such as indigestion problems or celiac disease, gluten-free breads offer a good option. If we do not have any complaints about our digestive system, we can have a type of flour rich in minerals on our table.

Although there are disagreements, scientific data supports that we should avoid white flour. Apart from this, regardless of the flour we use, we should not consume more than the maximum amount. It is possible to positively affect our general health by consuming carbohydrates in balanced and small portions.

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