What is the Heimlich Maneuver? How is it Performed?

What is the Heimlich maneuver and how is it done? How to remove nutrients and solids from the trachea with this life-saving first aid technique?

What is the Heimlich Maneuver?

Heimlich maneuver is applied when food or any object gets into the trachea. In our childhood, candy etc. Most of us have experienced food getting stuck in our throat. The first aid that our family and relatives apply to us with daily knowledge is the Heimlich maneuver.

The method, first applied by Doctor Henry Heimlich, has been known for approximately 47 years. Learning this technique is of vital importance for ourselves and the people around us.

Intervention According to Obstruction Type in Heimlich Maneuver

heimlich maneuver

Obstruction in the respiratory tract may be complete or partial. In partial obstruction, the person may cough and ask for help. If there is a complete blockage; Bruising, inability to speak, and moving hands towards the throat are observed.

As for how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, there are two different techniques. The first of these is a partial blockage in the individual's trachea where the necessary air inlet and outlet are blocked. In this case, what we need to do is:

  • Encouraging the person to cough (you should not touch the patient while doing this)
  • To keep a close eye on him while he is still standing.
  • Staying with you in case of complete blockage
  • Performing the Heimlich maneuver in case of decreased breathing or coughing

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver?

heimlich maneuver

First of all, the person's consciousness should be checked. An individual who cannot answer the question and whose cough decreases has complete airway obstruction. In this dangerous process, the Heimlich maneuver should be started immediately. For this, in order of priority:

  • Call 112 and provide first aid at the same time
  • Get behind the person and stand slightly to the side
  • Support the individual's chest with your hand and lean forward
  • Strike hard with the bottom of your palm between the two shoulder blades (back compression)
  • After hitting it 5-6 times, check whether the object comes out or not.

If the object/food still does not come out, proceed in this order:

  • Place one hand in a fist above the person's belly button and under their breastbone.
  • After doing this, lean the patient forward
  • Put your other hand on your fist
  • Draw your fist firmly inwards and upwards
  • Repeat this process 5 times
  • If the obstruction continues, continue alternately with 5 abdominal and 5 back compressions.
  • Continue the application until the object comes out.

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on Obese or Pregnant Adults?

How to apply in pregnant women

In the Heimlich maneuver, chest compressions should be applied instead of the abdomen in pregnant and overweight people. To do this, first follow these steps:

  • Get behind the person and wrap your arms around their chest
  • Make a fist with one hand and place it under the breastbone
  • Hold the fist with your other hand and apply pressure by pushing it inwards towards you.
  • Continue alternating back and chest compressions
  • Repeat until the food or object comes out.

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver in Babies?

Heimlich Maneuver in babies

Babies are more likely to get something stuck in their windpipe than adults. Coins, toy parts, etc. They may become blocked with objects. Since babies cannot talk, choking should be checked by listening to their breathing. Obstruction can be detected by observing the up and down movements of the abdomen and air flow.

In case of partial obstruction, the baby; Symptoms of coughing, gagging and convulsions are observed. In case of complete obstruction, symptoms of unresponsiveness, inability to cry and cough, and bruising begin.

What Should Be Done in Partial Air Obstruction in Babies?

  • Take your baby in your arms and place his head on your shoulder as if burping him.
  • Make sure your face is facing the ground
  • Wait for it to spontaneously expel the swallowed substance.

What Should Be Done in Case of Complete Obstruction in Babies?

  • Lay your baby down on your arm and face down.
  • Hold the edges of the baby's chin with your fingers to support the baby's head.
  • Be very careful not to press on his throat.
  • Sweep your hand upwards 5 times between your shoulders.
  • Turn your baby to place him/her on your other arm, all at once.
  • Be careful to protect the baby's head during the turning process.
  • If the object is not removed, place your baby on his back on your knee for chest compression.
  • Press the middle area at the end of the rib cage 5 times with two fingers (index and middle fingers).
  • As with adults, continue alternate back and chest compressions until the swallowed material is removed.

In infants, back and chest compression should be avoided in case of partial obstruction. Obstruction may increase as a result of applying excessive pressure.

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver in Children?

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver in Children

In all children over 1 year of age, the same sequence as in adults is followed. If there is complete obstruction, chest maneuver can be performed in children in addition to back and abdominal compression. Follow these steps when performing chest compressions on children:

  • Place one hand on the child's back and the other hand under the breastbone
  • Give 5 strokes as for obese and pregnant people, but slower and more distinct
  • See if the object comes out
  • If the object does not come out, continue to alternate chest and back compression.
  • If the child does not react, lay him on his back.
  • Dial 112 quickly.

How Can We Apply the Heimlich Maneuver to Ourselves?

save yourself

We must act very quickly when we are conscious and our trachea is blocked.

  • Lean the tip of your ribcage against a piece of equipment with hard corners
  • Press as hard as you can. Remember to lean forward.
  • You can use an object such as a chair bar or headrest for pressure.

What Should We Pay Attention to When Performing the Heimlich Maneuver?

what to pay attention to

We must continue the pressure until the ambulance arrives and the patient loses consciousness. We should not hit the patient's back. Striking with sweeping blows between the shoulder blades ensures the correct execution of the Heimlich maneuver.

Do not try to remove the object causing the patient's obstruction with your hand. In this case, you may cause the choking substance to completely block the airway.

While applying first aid, do not forget to call the emergency line 112 for support at the same time.

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