What is Yin Yoga? How is it Practiced? What are the Other Types of Yoga?

Yoga first appeared in ancient India and has a very broad content. It takes its name from the Sanskrit name “Yuj”. It means union, bonding, yoke. Yin Yoga It is one of the most effective and popular types of this application.

For someone new to yoga, breathing techniques and poses may be difficult at first. At the same time, if you are away from active activities in daily life, some muscle groups in your body may become strained and begin to tremble during yoga sessions.

There are many different types of yoga. Which of these a person who wants to do yoga can start with depends entirely on the person’s expectations and needs from yoga. It’s up to you to find the type of yoga that might be right for you. In this article, we investigated the “Yin Yoga” type of yoga.

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Bikram Yoga

Things You Need to Know Before Starting Yoga

before starting yoga

Some information that it may be useful for the person who wants to do yoga to know beforehand:

  • Although yoga relaxes you, you may experience sweating and fatigue during yoga. If your muscles have been inactive for a long time, this is quite natural, especially in the first sessions.
  • You should stop your eating and drinking habits 1-2 hours before starting yoga. Trying to do yoga poses while the digestive system is struggling to digest food may cause the food you eat to come into your mouth.
  • If you’re going to start doing yoga, stop by the restroom one last time. Having an empty bladder and intestines allows you to move much more comfortably during yoga.
  • If you have an instructor with you and he or she does not tell you otherwise, take regular, calm breaths through your nose. Keep your breathing equal.
  • Make sure that the place you prepare for yoga is not a stuffy place. The environment must be well ventilated just before starting. It is not right to use strong scents such as incense or room freshener to make it smell nice.
  • You should take care to drink sufficient amounts of water before and after starting yoga.
  • If you have a personal illness, consult your doctor before doing yoga.

Materials Required for Yoga

  • You should lay a mat on the floor to avoid slipping from where you sit during yoga. The length of the mat you use should be slightly longer than your own height and of medium thickness. In some positions, you may need to do yoga barefoot to completely prevent slipping.
  • In order to move more comfortably and flexibly, lightweight clothing that can stretch and will not cause sweating should be preferred. Keep spare clothes with you in case of sweating that may occur after an active yoga session.
  • Depending on the type of yoga you will do, some of your needs may vary. If you are in a yoga studio, these additional materials are provided.

Let’s get to the main topic: Where did Yin Yoga come from?

yin yoga

The history of Yin yoga dates back to traditional Chinese medicine. First Yin Yoga practices Paul Grilley Made by. While Paul Grilley provides training in anatomy, he also trains instructors who can teach Yin Yoga. Other important names who work and give training on Yin Yoga: Sarah Powers, Bernie Clark.

If we go beyond defining our body only as physicality, each body has two types of energy channels, female and masculine. We become ourselves when these two energies become a whole. Yin, feminine energy; Yang is masculine energy. Yang is the muscles in our body, Yin is the connective tissues located further below the muscles.

What Does Yin Yoga Aim for?

It basically targets the upper leg, hips, around the spine and connective tissues in that area. It is essential to wait for a long time in the asanas (poses) created while doing Yin Yoga. This practice, which improves connective tissues, also stretches the muscles considerably. The aim here is not to strengthen the muscles, but to stretch and stretch the connective tissues in a controlled manner.

With this feature, Yin Yoga differs from other types of yoga. It is recommended that those who want to do Yin Yoga start with the help of an instructor, as in other types of yoga. Even though it seems easy, you can unknowingly harm yourself while doing asanas. It is necessary to learn basic knowledge and movements correctly. Once you have sufficient knowledge and experience, you can apply your own practices at home.

Who Should Practice Yin Yoga?

If you think that you have an irregular and overstimulated energy flow in your body, if you find yourself constantly tired due to the stress and rush of the day, Yin Yoga will be better for you than you ever expected.

In today’s world, almost all of us are reachable and overstimulated at all times. Our mind is trying to process all kinds of information it encounters. Achieving calmness begins with our mind relaxing a bit. When Yin Yoga becomes a part of your life, you will be purified from your subconscious emotions in your mind. There is no age limit to do Yin yoga. It is suitable for all ages.

While Doing Yin Yoga…

do yin yoga

Keeping in mind that the poses in Yin Yoga should not be done quickly and actively, stand in asanas with slow and gentle movements. Try not to consume all your energy to create the asana. Yoga relaxes you when done with the right foundations. Do not be stubborn in movements based on the pain threshold.

A Yin Yoga session lasts 30-40 minutes. Make every movement you make consciously, and when you establish your poses, maintain the same pose by trying not to move any further. Try to maintain the asana for 1-3 minutes in the beginning, and then you should try to maintain it for much longer.

Almost every pose has an alternative version. If the pose you are trying to do is too challenging for you and you feel uncomfortable or do not feel stretched, do not hesitate to ask the instructor about another alternative to the pose you are trying to do.

After completing your practice, you can lie down on your back to rest. In fact, standing in this position for a long time will make you feel like you have woken up from a long and pleasant sleep.

Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga


In Yin Yoga, there is a change of pose, just like in Hatha Yoga. In this way, the body gains flexibility and the muscles become stronger. The difference between changing poses in Yin Yoga and Hatha Yoga is that Yin Yoga aims to stretch the body by holding the same pose for a long time while moving from pose to pose.

Rather than stretching, the aim of Hatha Yoga is to move quickly and actively from one pose to another. As a result of these goals, Hatha yoga focuses more on muscles and strength, while Yin Yoga targets connective tissues and joints.

It makes the body flexible. Hatha Yoga is the most common type of yoga compared to other types. That’s why it is also called classical yoga. It is a type of yoga that can be started by those who are introduced to yoga for the first time.

Benefits of Yin Yoga

  • Yin Yoga is a therapy for the body and has a healing effect.
  • Thanks to stretching movements, it is known to be especially good for joint problems and helps protect your general physical health.
  • It balances the existing energy by sending stimuli to the energy channels in the body.
  • It purifies and calms the mind. It prevents connective tissues from shortening and deteriorating, and connective tissues are renewed in a healthy way.
  • It provides flexibility and movement. When done regularly, it prevents stress, diseases caused by stress and cellulite.
  • It improves the quality of life by helping to eliminate many psychological problems. It nourishes harmony between mind and body.
  • It helps to lose weight thanks to the reduction of stress hormone secretion, and it has also been observed that it slows down aging for the same reasons.

Like other types of yoga, Yin Yoga needs to be practiced continuously in order for its effects to be seen and to be permanent.

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