Why Does Dizziness Occur When Standing Up? How Can It Be Prevented? Hoxnian

Is darkening of the eyes when standing up a sign of disease? Which medical unit should we go to when it becomes frequent? The reasons and all the details are in our article…

What Causes Dark Eyes When Standing Up?

This symptom, which can happen to all of us from time to time, can be caused by many reasons. It usually occurs after a sudden departure and passes in a short time. Although it is mostly a natural reaction of our body, if it occurs frequently, it should be evaluated by a doctor.

It may be caused by stress and anxiety, or it may be one of the important physiological symptoms. The innocent reason for blackouts when we stand up is this:

When we stand up quickly from sitting, our blood pressure also changes. When we take action quickly, our blood pressure tries to adapt to us. This change is completely harmless and has no underlying cause. It disappears within seconds. When it becomes permanent, there may be an organic problem involved.

Can Darkening in Your Eyes When You Stand Up Be a Sign of Disease?

blurred vision when standing up

Although it generally indicates low blood pressure, it can occur for many reasons. If we mention them in order, the most common causes of blackout when standing up are as follows:

  • Thyroid-related problems
  • Dehydration (loss of water)
  • Anemia
  • Eye diseases
  • some medications
  • Diabetes
  • low vitamin B
  • Migraine
  • vertigo
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • artery problems
  • MSA disease

Blood pressure problems can be triggered by prolonged fasting hours. However, when combined with intense heat and other factors, it can make black eyes feel more severe.

In Which Situation Should Darkening of Eyes Be Taken Seriously When Standing Up?


Even if we do not have a physiological problem, we are likely to experience blackout when we feel intense stress and panic. If this situation rarely happens to us, we do not need to worry.

If there are symptoms accompanying frequent blackouts, it would be useful to take them into consideration. Co-occurring symptoms may occur as a result of different disorders. Appropriate treatment is possible by reporting other complaints to the doctor.

If you experience the following problems along with blurred vision when you stand up:

  • Dizziness with blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Palpitation
  • Nausea

First of all, it would be beneficial to go to the internal medicine department and explain your complaints. Depending on the underlying cause, you may be referred by a specialist to a neurologist, ophthalmologist or ear, nose and throat doctor.

Dizziness accompanying blackout:

  • vertigo
  • migraine
  • heart diseases
  • It is very important to be examined as it may indicate serious health problems such as brain tumors.

These co-occurring complaints are generally encountered symptoms of the diseases. Even if many physical symptoms are present side by side, the person should not self-diagnose and seek expert help. Let's not forget that stress causes the existing problem to be felt more intensely.

What Should Be Done Against Darkening?

drinking water

First of all, we need to make sure whether there is any medical pathology. After the necessary examination, there are some factors we need to pay attention to. We can take certain measures to minimize this situation and eliminate the problem.

Even if we do not have a physical problem, we should avoid some things that are our routine. For example:

  • be thirsty
  • staying hungry for a long time
  • Standing up quickly from a seated position
  • Standing for long hours

Especially thirst and long-term hunger can make existing black eyes more severe. It is important to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and not to miss meals. Studies have shown that going on an intermittent fasting diet can disrupt insulin function in healthy people. It can cause serious health problems in diabetic patients.

We should use compression socks in conditions where we have to stand for hours. In addition, we can move our knee from its joint to balance the blood accumulated in the lower leg. Walking for about half an hour a day, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress help reduce complaints.

Isometric exercises that increase muscle volume help accelerate blood circulation. Over time, you may start to see the benefits of these exercises that you can do without purchasing equipment.

Being careful in salt consumption is of greater importance for blood pressure patients. Since it has a direct relationship with blood pressure, the amount of salt should be taken in accordance with the doctor's recommendation.

It is possible to reduce complaints with a diet that regulates blood pressure. The diet, which should be determined under expert supervision, should be implemented taking into account your existing health problems. Not skipping vitamins is also among the things we should not miss.

It is known that foods such as ginger, tomato juice, cucumber, carrot and fruit juice are good for dark eyes. Foods containing plenty of water are recommended as they will prevent dehydration. Of course, it is of primary importance for all of us to go to the relevant specialist physician and follow his recommendations.

Healthy days…

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